I haven't exercised... but I need to. 11 months out.

on 9/22/18 8:09 pm

I haven't exercised very much. After surgery I used to walk. Then back to work and I stopped. As I type I think of how hard it was in the beginning. This journey has not been easy. It's a decision not to be taken likely. A few things:

1) I want to exercise but am paranoid about how we have been put back together i.e. via the stitching etc. I don't want to tear anything apart. Ok. You can lol. No seriously. I think that way. I want to lift weight specifically because I'm like kinda saggy and not strong looking.

2) I'm know my old habits are coming back. I have eaten a lot of chips in the last two weeks. If I didn't buy them, I wouldn't have consumed them. Same was Coke Zero. Really scared. Don't want to be the way I was before.

3) I have gone from 285 on day 1 of optifast to 165. I'm down 120 lbs in 11 months. That's great but I'm still overweight according to my BMI and I'd like to loose at least 25 more lbs.

I haven't been around lately but I think I need to be more involved to keep myself accountable.

on 9/22/18 10:09 pm

Lucille one of the best exercises to start with is water aerobics. It's easy on the joints, you can still build muscle (often they use water weights), and gain stamina. Think of that as a first step to getting to more difficult exercises.

You have identified some old habits coming back. You have worked too hard to sabotage yourself. Time to start measuring, planning your meals, writing a shopping list for when you go to the grocery store and don't buy anything that is not on the list. You have a goal and you are worth reaching that goal. Join us on the What are you eating thread. The thread is more about being accountable to yourself and planning.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 9/23/18 2:50 am
RNY on 01/16/18

To ease your mind, I am 9 months out and have been exercising 3 - 4 times per week at my local Y. I was given the all clear by my surgeon at 3 months out from surgery. I waited one more month before I felt that it would be OK. I was very afraid of causing damage as you are.

I didn't ,and was assured I couldn't, and I haven't. All systems are a go! :)

I started with very light weights and cardio. Did some rowing, some walking, some bike riding and the elliptical. I also took a zumba class which was really fun and got me moving. I'm also doing yoga to build back my flexibility and help with balance. It's kind of weird how you move with this new lighter body.

Anyway - fear not. Take that step and start slow. Get a trainer to get you started and then you can check in every couple of months and add weight or a new exercise.

Exercising builds confidence, clears your mind and builds strength. It's incredible how your body feels after a good work out. I find I walk taller and think positively when I work out.

You have done a great job so far. You see the signs. Go back to the beginning. Ditch the chips - you have come far to far to go back to how you once were.

May I suggest that some counselling may be beneficial to you? I'm starting a Craving Program shortly which I think will help me in the long run to keep on track. Also, do you attend any support groups? I find them very helpful to keep my head in the right place. I am sure your clinic can direct you.

You can do this. All of this.

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18

on 10/19/18 2:21 pm
VSG on 11/21/17

Love your advice

I too exercise 4-6 times a week..depending on my work schedule and well, my mood haha.. but I love that you said the following:

"Exercising builds confidence, clears your mind and builds strength. It's incredible how your body feels after a good work out. I find I walk taller and think positively when I work out"

Once you start feeling how good it feels to work out, you don't want to not work out. It becomes habit. Something I don't think about. I just look on my calendar and find slots to fit it in and it part of my lifestyle. With regular exercise I have also started doing more things recreationally - this summer I started road cycling and paddle boarding.. it's amazing what strength and resilience your body has when you take care of it. It's not anymore that I can't do it, it is now that I can do it - and if for some reason I don't get up the hill all the way, at least i tried! And there is always a next time.


on 9/23/18 6:26 am

Hi Lucille,

Congrats on your success thus far. I agree that swimming would be very beneficial to you. I had surgery March 27 and have done no exercise except swimming and water aerobics. Nothing crazy, just mostly breast stroke and some light aerobics. I started walking around the pool. I really think it helped without hurting and most importantly built my confidence. I find I lack confidence in exercise. I have just now started walking and my saint of a husband comes with because I'm still afraid I will get back pain or sciatic pain and have no where to sit. Of course after losing 124 pounds that is no longer happening but the anxiety is still there. I am now walking 1/2 hour at least 5 days per week. I am trying to get the confidence to join a gym next. Baby steps.

Don't beat yourself up about the chips, just get rid of them and start again. You got this !

Referral: March 2017, Orientation: June 2017, Nurse, Social Worker, Nutritionist, Pharmacist: Dec 2017, Physiotherapist and f/u with Nurse: Feb 2018, Meet Dr. Lindsay: Feb 2018, Pre-Op Feb 26, 2018, Start Optifast (4 weeks): Feb 27, 2018, SURGERY: MARCH 27/18 at St. Joseph's in Toronto with Dr. Lindsay. Height 5'2," 49 Years old, Hw: 365, Pre-Op Weight (start of Opti 355), SW 334 CW 175. Weight Loss: Pre-op -19, M1 -23, M2 -18, M3-18, M4-14, M5-14 M6-10, M7-14 M8-8, M9-14 M10-5, M11-10 M12-0, M13 -3, M14 -6, M15 -7

on 9/23/18 9:46 am

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. So proud of you and your walking.

on 9/23/18 1:23 pm
RNY on 09/12/17

Hi Lucille,

The best thing you can do at this point is take a deep breathe, remember how far you've come, and make a decision to be the best "you" you can be today. After that, planning usually helps! Although I have had a lot of success with weights, what really happened first for me was that I made the commitment to walk....every day or as much as possible. Even if I was only able to walk for 5 minutes, I made sure I did it. I too had a very supportive husband that walked with me and that helped to make me accountable. I waited until three months after surgery before I started lifting weights and even then I really took it easy at first. The strongest motivator for me was seeing the results. Even now, I only lift weights 3x a week and usually for 30-40 minutes. That's it. I never over do it and if for some reason I can't make it to the gym that day I don't sweat it. I book my weight lifting session with the gym usually 2 weeks in advance and put them on my calendar in my office. I treat my workout session as an appointment that I have to keep. After all of this time, it really is just something I do now. It has become a habit. I am really thankful for that because like you I am not always successful when it comes to food. Keep asking questions and engaging online here...chances are there are lots of us with the same issues!


Referred May 2016, Orientation July 4, 2016, Pre-Nutrition Class March 31, 2017, Nurse April 10, 2017, Blood work/ECG April 13, 2017, Ultra-sound April 27, 2017, Psychologist May 30, 2017, Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy June 5, 2017, Internist June 13, 2017, Dietician June 14, 2017, 2nd Round of blood work August 2, 2017, Surgeon September 6, 2017, Surgery September 12, 2017 - St. Joe's Hamilton - No Opti

Height 5"4" HW 231 SW222 CW141

PreOp-9 lbs M1-20lbs M2-11lbs M3-13lbs M4-7lbs M5-8lbs M6-7lbs M7-5lbs M8-5lbs M9-2lbs M10-0lbs M11 - 0lbs M12 - 0lbs

on 9/24/18 4:19 pm

Thanks so much. Today was a bit of a struggle again, as was yesterday, but today was better than yesterday. I will have to self correct and not self sabotage.

on 9/24/18 5:52 pm

I'm in pre op status and have very limited mobility but I would like to start some kind of exercising. Some kind of movement. I have to be very careful of my back and knees and I can't walk very far or do stairs of any kind. what would anyone suggest?

on 9/26/18 8:15 am
RNY on 02/26/18

Aquafit...you'll have no worries with your back or knees as the weightlessness in the water really takes the stress off your body. If you have a local YMCA they always have it at least a few days a week in their pools.

HW: 285 SW: 260 CW: 134 Dr. Grantcharov, St. Michael's

Referral: May 2017 Orientation: June 5/17 Nurse: Aug. 17/17 Doctor/Dietician/SW finished by Dec. 11/17 Surgical Ed. Class: Dec. 18/17 Surgeon: Jan. 9/18 Surgery: February 26, 2018!!

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