Resolve to stop "escape eating."

on 9/11/18 3:59 pm
RNY on 01/11/12

Many WLS patients have overeaten for years, in part, to escape certain feelings. You might have eaten to escape feelings of anxiety, depression, sadness, boredom, or being overwhelmed. After WLS, many people continue to engage in escape eating. It's time to ask yourself, "How well is escape eating working for me?" Is it moving you toward your long-term WLS goals? Is it a nagging problem that you're managing, but that could get out of control over time? Changing this pattern means identifying your feelings and choosing a new response to those feelings. You do have a choice. Record what you eat for three days. Beside each entry, write down how you were feeling when you ate. Were you hungry? Were you lonely, angry, or tired? This activity will help you identify and curb your emotional triggers.

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