on 9/10/18 11:13 am
RNY on 01/11/12

Own your truth.
The truth may be you are not drinking all your water, or you may be skipping your morning protein supplement because you don't want to take the time. The truth may be you don't take your multi-vitamin because you don't like it. You may be too tired and want to give up, so you tell yourself you're just backing off a little. You let yourself off the hook and decide you'll recommit next week when you are not so tired (or busy, or sad, or stressed). These choices are a red flag that you are slipping away from your commitment to overcome obesity. If you are finding more and more that you don't want to do the things that make and keep you healthy, you should consider getting back to basics and seeking help. Waiting will only make your situation worse. Is there something you know you need to be doing that you have been avoiding? Make a plan to get yourself back on track. Own your truth today.

on 9/11/18 9:54 am - Ottawa, Canada

So true.

  Choose love, power, and acceptance instead of what we default to which is fear, dependence, and intolerance
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