I just want to eat solid food.

on 9/7/18 8:32 am

As you are pre-surgery I'm going to add this bit of advice. Not all of the Centres allow raw veg when doing Optifast. From my experience, and only mine, I am glad that Guelph doesn't. Sorry for the TMI but we are keeping it real here, that first BM post surgery is a ***** Having anything in your bowels makes it worse.

Once your liver has depleted glycogen during the OPTI diet, you will get less cravings. If you need to, you can add less water and make more of an Opti pudding. Add ice and put it through the blender to make a slushie consistency. It will be a few weeks post-surgery before you can have semi-solids. This is the time to develop good stategies for cravings. You will still get cravings post surgery. Organize your closet by size. You will be donating the larger sizes in no time. Make a jar of sheets of paper with 30 minute tasks. Do one task when a craving hits. Come up with some of your own strategies, it may be calling a friend or a family member (nothing that will involve stress), research here. You've got this.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 9/7/18 9:14 am - Lindsay, Canada
RNY on 02/26/18

It did get easier, I also found it good to keep busy, and space the Opti out every 4 hours, which doesn't' necessarily fall with regular meal times but made it easier. As I didn't have children I was also able to somewhat avoid being around my husband when he was eating, he made an extra effort to not eat certain foods when I was around.

I was at TWH and we were only allowed, broth, jello, crystal light, I did make a sort of ice cream from the Opti a couple of times by adding ice and less water, but it was more a matter of finding ways to temper the sweetness. I will admit that I did cheat a couple of time by having a piece of celery when I thought I'd scream if I couldn't chew something.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185

TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18

Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;


on 9/7/18 9:52 am

I found that if I removed myself from the dinner table while my husband was eating it made it a lot easier for me to focus on what I needed to do. I would take my opti elsewhere usually on the back deck and listen to the birds or watch my dogs run around being silly. It will get easier.

*Hugs to all*

Orientation- May 2017, Pre nutrition class- Aug 2017, Blood work- Aug 2017. RPN meeting- Sept 2017. Dietician and Psychiatrist Dec 2017. Internist- Dec 2017. Meet the Surgeon Feb 20th 2018. VSG surgery march 17, 2018 with Dr. Gmora

on 9/8/18 5:55 pm

Just finished day 4- it is getting easier and it's definitely that mind hunger vs. actual hunger. i've been sprucing up my broth with flavour and plan on looking at some sf syrup things on my days off this week. I find it easier to ignore the cravings at work than i do at home- so looks like i need to occupy my time.

Referred 09/19/2017, Surgery 09/26/2018! SW 246.6 M1-

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