
on 8/31/18 6:56 am

I had a blood and urine test in March to see if anything was wrong because I was having problem losing weight. Not sure if I'll need more tests for that either. When my doctor gave the referral she attached my results in my file (I was watching everything on the computer).

I didn't do the ECG and I use an app on my phone to record how I sleep (I'm trying to stop snoring). I don't have sleep apnea either and maybe they can use that to hear how I sleep.

I found a list of tests at http://www.ontariobariatricnetwork.ca/our-programs/surgical- program#tabs-5 Not all the test will be needed but it is interesting to know what may come up. I'm in a very curious stage right now because I am waiting to find out what my next step is.

Out of all the links and information I found, the most helpful has been the signatures under peoples posts that list all the dates.

on 8/30/18 5:55 pm

Hi there, I have been on this site for the last year and I would say that the average time from orientation to surgery is 6 to 18 months. A lot depends on if you need extra tests etc. Good luck on your journey, it's an amazing tool

Orientation July, Surgeon consult Sept, Internist Nov, RD/RSW/RN Dec.

RNY March 2, 2018 HRRH Pam (49 / 5'5 ½)

HW: 237, PreOpti: 226, Opti: -10, M1: -20, M2: -12, M3: -13, M4 -10, M5 -9, M6 -7, M7 -2, M8 -3, M9 -1 CW 138

on 8/30/18 8:30 pm - Greater Toronto Area, Canada


I live not too far from you in Toronto and I had my referral in summer 2017 and I'm expecting to have surgery in December or early 2019. You can definitely take advantage of cancellations which may speed things up, but definitely plan for a year. In the beginning 1 year seemed like forever, and even a few weeks ago I was complaining, but now I realize I really did need that year to do the self-work to ensure I'll be successful post surgery. I watch a lot of 600 lbs life and realized I had some similar issues as the participants, though not to the extreme. Really take advantage of the time to adopt a post bari lifestyle.

Female 30s Canada
RNY January 4, 2019
I lost 100% of my excess weight.
Currently re-comping body/losing vanity pounds prior to plastics.

on 8/31/18 7:03 am
RNY on 06/17/19

I just started watching that show a couple weeks ago.. now I'm obsessed.. lol

Another good one that showcases people not that extreme is on Netflix, it is called "The BIG Ward".

on 8/31/18 7:04 am

There has been a girl on YouTube that has shared every detail of pre op and post op that I found very helpful https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLgMDzztfEMkULt94_kCdww/vid eos

I understand I'll need the year to prepare for the tests and also stop some habits. As of today, I am not going to consume caffeine or carbonated drinks. I've been trying to break up drinking and eating at the same time but that one is difficult for me.

Good luck with your surgery later this year!

on 8/31/18 4:12 am

Welcome. Research here so that you know what to expect. I think that helps with not being as anxious. Ask questions, join the What are you Eating thread, come here for support. Great bunch of people here.


CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 9/1/18 6:56 am - Cobourg , Canada

I'm a bit late responding, but welcome! This is a fantastic forum - I don't think I've posted one question without getting a reply from at least one of these amazing folks.

I'm waiting for a date to meet with the surgeon (but hey, I guess we have to expect the staff and surgeons to have summer vacations too!). Use the wait times for sure!

Just remember to go slow with your changes while you wait for appointments so they are maintainable. I started by cutting sugar from coffee; now I'm onto mainly decaf and a boat load of water very day.

We'll be here for you through it all if you need it.

~ j.

My Journey: Oct 2017 Referred to Ontario Bariatric Network by Family Doctor; Nov 2017 Received letter from Toronto Western; Jan 2018 Orientation @TWH; Mar 2018 Social Worker and Nurse Assessments (Telemedicine/Telehealth); Apr 2018 Nutrition Class @TWH; Jul 2018 Psychologist Assessment (Telemedicine/Telehealth); Aug 2018 Dietitian (Telemedicine/Telehealth); Jan 11 2019 Meet the Surgeon; March Scheduled surgery changed to Jan 29 2019 ( VSG )

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