We are told prenatal vitamins with the TWH program b/c of increased iron and folic acid.
I found a link on the folic acid (not from TWH) that was informative. olate-deficiency
I have my dietitian appointment in the AM. I will ask her about the Celebrate brand and what she has heard, if anything. Will keep you posted.
3 months out from Ottawa Hospital... they laid out several options for us and Celebrate vitamins were one of them... and the one that appealed to me the most (only 4 chewables a day plus an iron pill). These are specific vitamins made especially for bariatric patients.
They are definitely chalky and super sweet, but I know I'd mess up if I had to juggle more pills every day. They remind me of giant 'rockets' candy that you get at halloween, or maybe sweet tarts.
Also, that brand just came out with an iron + vitamin C chewable. Grape flavoured; much smaller pills than the multivitamin. 30mg coated ferrous fumarate and 60mg Vit C. Going to be honest, they are delicious, super easy on the tummy / pooping, and I like them more than the various other types of iron I've tried.

Goddess in training...