8 days post op update!! <3

on 8/1/18 12:10 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/24/18

Hey everyone,

I'm 8 days post op now. I can't even believe it happened. I feel no pain (I'm back at work today!). I had one minor complication (though the pain was major) and for those of you who are pre-op, please take stool softeners to avoid my situation- think football through a straw hole... OUCH. I spent the night at the hospital Friday with several nurses trying different things to try to break it up and make it go. They told me I might need surgery. Thankfully, it passed on Saturday with a lot of blood sweat and tears lol.

I'm down almost 21 lbs already since I started opti (2 weeks before surgery). People are already noticing. I have so much energy, I went for a 4.5 km walk yesterday with my hubby. My clothes is starting to get baggy. I am struggling to get in enough food though, I'm having a hard time passing 450 calories a day and more than 66g protein, but I'll keep working at it!

This journey has been amazing!

1st Referral: May 31 2012 Orientation: July 17th 2012 Denied at Psych appointment

3rd Referral: June 2016 Orientation: August 2016 Got pregnant and discharged

4th Referral: October 2017 Orientation: April 2018 Pre-op: July 16th Surgery: July 24th!

HW: 281 SW: 269 CW:235.1 GW: ~150-160

on 8/1/18 2:22 pm - Peterborough, Canada

Constipation was my only complication too. It was horrible. It's like giving birth out your ass. Just keep focusing on protein. Don't worry about calories. You are doing great.


on 8/1/18 3:54 pm
RNY on 09/01/17

Congratulations on all you have accomplished already!!! Constipation... omg!! I was in so much pain for a while. People on the board really helped me through it.

You calories and protein sound right on par for where you're at post-op. It'll increase over a couple of months, but no need to ru****

You got this girl. Keep doing what you're doing!!

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Choose happy.

Opti -10 / M1 -25.5 / M2 -10 / M3 -14.5 / M4 -13 / M5 -10 / M6 -5.5 / M7 -9.5 / M8 -13.5 / M9 -0.5 / M10 -2.5 / M11 -2.5 / M12 +2 / M13 -5.5

Century Club and Onederland in month 7!!

on 8/1/18 5:20 pm
RNY on 02/26/18

Glad to hear you're doing well. Constipation has been a real issue for me. Take restoralax daily, it really helps. Even if you use it half of the days of the week it has amazing results. And is reasonably priced at Costco.

Also, 450 calories is where I was at for at least the first two months, I think you're good there, no need to increase too fast. It will happen in it's own time, even when you wi**** wouldn't lol ;)

HW: 285 SW: 260 CW: 134 Dr. Grantcharov, St. Michael's

Referral: May 2017 Orientation: June 5/17 Nurse: Aug. 17/17 Doctor/Dietician/SW finished by Dec. 11/17 Surgical Ed. Class: Dec. 18/17 Surgeon: Jan. 9/18 Surgery: February 26, 2018!!

on 8/2/18 5:39 am - Greater Toronto Area, , Canada
RNY on 12/12/18

So happy to hear that you are doing ok after all that you have been through!

Referral May 2018, Humber River (HRRH) Orientation June 2018...Surgery December 2018

on 8/2/18 9:22 am
VSG on 07/09/18

Congrats on your surgery! Sorry you had to go through that, sounds awful. Glad to hear you got through it, though. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones...after a couple of days of no bowel movement post-surgery, I've been blessed with daily liquid butt-pee.

Age: 43, Height: 5'8"
Highest Weight: 420; Opti Starting Weight: 395; Surgery Weight: 371;
Current Weight: 322.1; Goal Weight: 160

"Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful."
-Vincent Van Gogh

on 8/2/18 4:56 pm
RNY on 08/17/18

"...daily liquid butt-pee."

I am both amused and terrified!! Starting opti in the morning.

TWH (Toronto) | Starting Weight - 300, GW- 175

Referral: Jun 21/17 Orientation: Aug 23/17 NP: Sept 27/17 Social Worker: Sept 27/17 Nut Class: Oct 3/17 Sleep Study: Nov 6/17 NP Follow Up: Jan 3/18 Psych: Jan 12/18 Nut: Jan 15/18 Surgeon: June 1/18 Pre-Op: July 27/18 SlimTime: Aug 3/18 Surgery: Aug 17/18

SlimTime: -13.5 M1: -18 M2: -14 M3: -14.2 M4: -14.4 M5: -9.4 M6: -6.4 M7: -6.4 M8: ?

on 8/2/18 7:48 pm
VSG on 07/09/18

Lol! Apologies for the TMI

Good luck with the Opti! It can taste quite delicious if you jazz it up a bit. But yes, it might be the start of a wild ride when it comes to using the bathroom. I'm none worse the wear, though. Just my toilet paper budget has gone through the roof!

Age: 43, Height: 5'8"
Highest Weight: 420; Opti Starting Weight: 395; Surgery Weight: 371;
Current Weight: 322.1; Goal Weight: 160

"Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful."
-Vincent Van Gogh

on 8/3/18 5:26 am

I too have had a bit of constipation off and on but have learned how to manage it for me after 8 days and many tears. I take one colace every morning and one drink of restoralax every day. When things start getting worse I bump the restoralax up to 3/ day. BTW my restoralax is covered through my benefits. I just had to ask.

St. Joes Hamilton - Referral June 16, Orientation Aug 16, Group Dietitian May 5, Nurse May 15, Social Worker Aug 15, 1:1 Dietitian Aug 15, Medical Internist Sept 18. Meet Surgeon Nov. 2/17 Preop Feb 12/18 Surgery Feb 16/18

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