Time off for surgery and $$/EI?

on 7/26/18 6:39 pm

I am on a contract, so don't get vacation days or paid sick leave. I will likely only be off for two weeks (cross my fingers!), but am wondering if there's any way to get EI or something for that time?

on 7/26/18 7:02 pm
RNY on 01/16/18

https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.ht ml

Have a look here and you can determine whether you are eligible. It's probably important that you stress that the surgery is required due to health issues and I wouldn't play up anything about it being your own choice.

Also, two weeks is pretty short. If I were to do this all over again I would have taken a minimum of 4 weeks. I went back at 3 weeks because I work for a small company and didn't want to inconvenience everyone. It was too soon. I had no energy and couldn't get through the day. I ended up going 1/2 days for a bit and then working from home as well. By 4 1/2 weeks I was in better shape.

Good Luck.

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18

on 7/26/18 7:16 pm
On July 27, 2018 at 2:02 AM Pacific Time, SweetRide1 wrote:

https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-sickness.ht ml

Have a look here and you can determine whether you are eligible. It's probably important that you stress that the surgery is required due to health issues and I wouldn't play up anything about it being your own choice.

Also, two weeks is pretty short. If I were to do this all over again I would have taken a minimum of 4 weeks. I went back at 3 weeks because I work for a small company and didn't want to inconvenience everyone. It was too soon. I had no energy and couldn't get through the day. I ended up going 1/2 days for a bit and then working from home as well. By 4 1/2 weeks I was in better shape.

Good Luck.

Thanks for the advice. I thought that 2 weeks was the standard for people who are at desk jobs, but I got my doctor's letter today and he wrote 4 weeks. I'm just concerned about the money issue, plus it's a new job, so I want to limit my time off. I guess I'll just have to see how I feel.

on 7/30/18 7:42 am

For those of you that have desk jobs - did any of you just start to work from home while you were off for 2 weeks? I imagine that I would need to be answering emails, joining conference calls, etc. in the second week at least - curious to hear about peoples experience in working from home.

*TWH* Referral - December 2017; Orientation - March 2018; SW Assessment - May 2018; Nurse Practitioner - June 2018; Nutrition Class - June 2018; Psych - August 2018; Dietitian - August 2018; Appt. w/ Surgeon - November 2018; Surgery date - January 2019

Weight loss

Pre-surgery: 14, M1: 18, M2: 9, M3: 8, M4: 10, M5:6 , M6:9

on 7/26/18 8:22 pm

I took 8 weeks off and thought it was the right amount of time for me.

on 7/27/18 2:23 am

I work a desk job and 2 weeks was more than enough for me!!

TWH: Referral May 2015 --> Orientation November 2015 --> Surgeon at TWH Nov 2016 --> Transferred to Guelph --> Surgeon Appt Dec 1 2016 --> Opti Start Dec 8 2016 --> Surgery Dec 22 2016 HW: 331 SW:302 GW: 170

on 7/27/18 4:40 am
VSG on 05/22/18


I work at a desk job and I also thought that 2 weeks was enough. Off 5 weeks. 6th week three 1/2 days, Week 6 four 1/2 days, Week 7 full time. I struggled a lot with the 1/2 days and was still exhausted for the full time week. I have days off so took them for the first 2 weeks back full time. Everyone is different but I think if you HAD TO then you could do it. I just wouldn't recommend less than 3 weeks for sure and 4 weeks to be better. Also, you are starting to learn to eat 'normal' food by week 5 or 6 and that was tough for me. Consider that for me I was only eating about 200-400 calories in a day for the first 5 weeks. My stomach didn't want to accept anything. Now I'm up to around 700. Feel much better with 700 and steadily loosing weight. Sorry but I don't know anything about EI. As stated above make sure you state that this is NOT a personal decision but a medical one. I wish you the best in your journey as it's the BEST thing I've ever done besides kids!!!

Kimmy in Canada

2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY

on 7/27/18 5:30 am - Lindsay, Canada
RNY on 02/26/18

I also have a desk job and only took 2 weeks but advised my employer that it could be longer depending on complications, recovery etc., I was really tired the first week and would come home and nap, but at that point was only consuming 400 - 500 calories a day which has an impact on energy levels, I was pretty good after about another week, but I had 0 complications.

there's a one week waiting period for EI sick benefits, but I would plan on applying just in case. I was lucky and used 5 days sick days and 5 days holidays. I had used up some of my sick days already as I had appointments for various Dr. appt. etc., before surgery had to get recleared by my cardiologist, PCP, etc.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185

TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18

Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;

Karen M.
on 7/27/18 2:26 pm - Mississauga, Canada

I don't have advice re. EI, but 2 weeks could be a little short. I feel badly (angry?) that people still have to worry about being able to afford to take the time off for necessary surgery. Wishing you the best and a very speedy recovery.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/27/18 4:24 pm

Thanks all. :)

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