Surgery Regrets ??? NOT Even With What I Went Through !
I love La Vie En Rose!!! There are so many pretty things in there that you can feel comfortable with. I'm really going to look forward to buying some 'prettier' things to lounge around in besides the slippers and robes! Sooooooooooo VERY HAPPY I took the plunge and did the surgery!
Have a GREAT DAY !!!

Kimmy in Canada
2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY