Surgery Regrets ??? NOT Even With What I Went Through !
Good Morning Everyone!
(sorry for the long story)
I wasn't sure if I was going to write about my experience as I didn't want to discourage anyone. But, my experience is just my experience. Doesn't mean it will happen to everyone. Also.....even though I had a miserable time of it I wouldn't change ANYTHING to now be 36lbs down today! So here goes....
May surgery date in Guelph General Hospital with Dr. Jules (very nice and skilled surgeon). Very nervous and almost walked out. First surgery of the day. Admittance was very smooth. Hardly anyone in the surgery floor with me. I was glad that I went first so there wasn't so much commotion. I suffer from panic attacks so I was prescribed meds in the surgery ward to calm me before being taken to the operating room. So glad I did it. Got unchanged and into my gown and after about 30 min was taken away. Very calm at this point (thank you meds). Taken to just outside operating room and 'parked'. Out came 2 nurses verifying who I was and what I was getting done. Asked me when I last ate, drank and if I had all my Optifast. I stated the first 2 then told them I didn't have Optifast. She kinda freaked out on me and said I had gone against the rules and that she had to check with the surgeon because my surgery was most likely going to be cancelled. Thank goodness for the panic meds because I was like....oh well I guess it's I told her that I was not given Optifast and the surgeon said I could eat the night before up until midnight which I only had eaten to 8pm. She huffs away and then comes back half apologizing saying she's never heard of anyone not given Optifast and being able to eat the night prior. So, up I got to walk into the operating room and to get on the table. Music is playing and I ask one Dr. to ask my surgeon who wasn't there yet to please fix my hernia if he finds it. The surgeon agrees. On goes the mask and I'm in dreamland. I wake up to being wheeled into my hospital room. I guess it took longer then expected but I have no clue. No pain just really out of it. People asking me questions and I can hardly stay awake to understand or answer. 5 hours later and the pain hits me badly. Can hardly breathe. Thinking to myself what the heck have I done. Pain got much worse. Crying and can hardly move or even take a sip. Can't get up at all. Nurses over the next 3 days try to control my pain. I went from morphine shots in my stomach to morphine in a drip to rotating to Oxy. I was also getting two heparin shots in the tummy for blood clots each day. Make sure they put them from the belly button and down as it's less painful. Both barely covered the pain whatsoever. Now keep in mine I obviously have a very low pain tolerance and he did fix my hernia. Day 3 I'm getting blood work again. My hemoglobin has dropped quite a bit so they are keeping an eye on my stomach for lumps. They do 2 iron infusions on me as I am now so weak and black under my eyes. Day 4 comes around and low and behold my pain is starting to lessen because of the rotation of drugs is now keeping it under control'i****old them I want to go home and they let me go with Oxy's. Thank goodness for drugs. I hate them but not at that time. Home I go (1.45 hours away) and straight into bed for 4 weeks. I was barely able to walk around the house. Had a hard time getting 16oz of water down. Yogurt twice a day barely. Soups made me gag. Cottage cheese got stuck going down. Couldn't think, walk, remember or anything. Pretty much slept my 4 weeks away. Week 4 started to get better. Still exhausted but the pain was finally starting to subside. I could get up and walk some without always holding my stomach and make myself some basic post op meals. Still not able to eat a lot but drinking more. Went to the doctor twice within the 4 weeks due to feeling very unwell. Went to the nurse and dietitian and they said based on my blood work that my hemoglobin dropped again. I was started on strong iron pills. They are and were ok for my tummy. Week 5 I'm back to work (desk job) for 1/2 days on Mon, Tues and Wed. TOTALLY exhausted after each 1/2 day and slept the following day away. Following week was 4 1/2 days. Week after that was full time again. Still struggling with tiredness but that is getting better so I'm assuming that my next blood work will be much better. Make sure if you have a back to work plan that YOU schedule what you can handle. Went back to the surgeon last week and he has cleared me for exercise...YEAH!!! I want to just get back to a 'normal' activity level in life. Oh, I forgot one thing. Surgery ended up with 6 incisions instead of 5 due to the hernia repair. 4 of them are still not healed but getting better. I said this is my story. Some people have issues with surgery but the majority DO NOT. I thought I'd share my story to help people to know if they are having a hard time after surgery that it can happen but it WILL GET BETTER! Keep your head up and move forward. I DO NOT regret it one bit. Yes obviously I wi**** would have been easier for that's the past and I'm in the present.
So, today, 36lbs down since May 22nd, feet a lot less swollen, blood pressure way down and I'm getting a lot more energy. Life is looking better !!!
P.S. Don't be like me. I've bought some new clothes already and ... it's way too big. Kind of depressing but I'm trying to hold out for now. Yes, I definitely need some new undies to the present ones don't fall down....lolll. Oh and never imagined that bras would be too big so quickly. Time for some 'me time' shopping at La Vie En Rose!
Have a great day everyone!!!

Kimmy in Canada
2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY
Wow, you've had quite the time of it, I asked if they'd repair my hernia at the same time and they said no, from what I've heard from people who did have it done, I was probably lucky as the pain from that is way worse then the pain from the surgery. I wouldn't buy more than the bare minimum in the underwear department as sized will continue to go down and you'll end up have to get smaller. I'm down 2-3 bra sizes at 4-1/2 months out and have pitched most of my underwear, just have to do laundry more often.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185
TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18
Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;
My goodness, that quite a lot. So glad that you are feeling better. Consignment shops, VV, can be good options as you quickly transition through clothes sizes.
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.
Wow, that must have been difficult. Glad to hear you are feeling better now.

Age: 43, Height: 5'8"
Highest Weight: 420; Opti Starting Weight: 395; Surgery Weight: 371;
Current Weight: 322.1; Goal Weight: 160
"Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful."
-Vincent Van Gogh
Wow quite the ordeal! I'm sure glad you are feeling somewhat "normal" now and fought through the pain when it was tough. Crossing fingers that it's smooth sailing going forward.
I hope I drop bra sizes quickly and it won't cost me a fortune for custom anymore... something to look forward to! I can't even imagine being able to shop at La Vie En Rose.. lol
I love la vie en rose! Now I'll be able to buy more then shoes and robes....woohooo

Kimmy in Canada
2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY
You shop at La Vie En Rose???
i didn't even think of that! So much to look forward to!
Thanks for the brutal truth about your journey. We need when good along with the bad to properly manage expectations. Glad to hear you are doing so much better.