on 7/18/18 8:58 am
RNY on 01/11/12

As the pounds melt away, your skin may get a bit droopy. Just like the Shar-pei dogs with the many folds of sagging skin, you too will be lovable, soft, and healthy. Your loose skin may tighten up in time, or you may choose to have it surgically helped along. Yet, is it not better to have the sagging skin, proud scars of your battle, than to be sick? Would you trade that skin for diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer risks, breathlessness, and immobility? Resolve not to be distressed by loose skin. It is only on the outside. Inside you are healthier, happier, and still you. Acknowledge the sagging skin as a positive change. Make a list of the things you can do now, that you could not do before you lost weight.

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