OLD TIMERS HELP ME!! I have the belly blues....

on 7/15/18 4:10 pm

...calling it belly blues because depressed is too big a word for how I am feeling. I don't want to sound ungrateful but my last appt with the NP she said well at this point we expect the weight loss to slow down significantly. It kind of feels like that was a jinx(although it was probably just her experience speaking). I am now losing less than 1/2 pound a week. I still have a tummy that I am trying to get rid of. I have stepped up my workouts and I am still around 1000 cals a day but do confess I was getting a bit slippery with the journalling for a while. I am almost at 8 months post op. Can I expect to keep losing or am I stuck here? I feel another 18-20 would be good and would bring my BMI to normal for my height.

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

on 7/15/18 7:12 pm

Guelph told me that you should be between 650-850 cal/day during the losing phase. Hope this helps. I think if you stick to those numbers you will still continue to lose.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 7/16/18 7:04 am - Lindsay, Canada
RNY on 02/26/18

I know what you mean, and I'm only 4-1/2 months out, the weight loss has slowed/stalled at times, I try to stay around 1000 calories a day, was having issues with no carbs at a lower level so was instructed to add some in and am doing better. The overall change in appearance is huge but still have belly fat to lose (i'm an apple shape), I'm now into the overweight category and aiming for a normal BMI too. I think the weight loss slows the further out you get, looking at other people's message boards, but it doesn't grind to a halt, 1-2 pounds a week, if you're getting reasonable exercise you may be losing inches to, important to track those too.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185

TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18

Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;

on 7/17/18 3:58 pm

I sound like a brat but my belly is so big...super small compared to last year but omg when i look at myself straight on in the mirror I think "looking good girl" and then I turn sideways!!!!

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

on 7/18/18 8:02 am - Lindsay, Canada
RNY on 02/26/18

I know what you mean, I'm thinking exercise may be the only answer as time goes on, but it's been a long time so hard to get back into it.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185

TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18

Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;

on 7/18/18 2:37 pm

I have to say though that once you get back into it, it is so much more fun since you can actually move! PS lost a half pound this week so the drought may be over!

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

Diminishing Dawn
on 7/16/18 10:54 am - Windsor, Canada

Use myfitnesspal faithfully for more loss. Aim for no more than 30% of your diet coming from carbs (I prefer 20-25) and at least 40% protein.

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 7/18/18 8:03 am - Lindsay, Canada
RNY on 02/26/18

I was using really faithfully at first but as time has gone on and my diet has become more varied requires a lot more work to input new stuff. But I'm still using small plates and measuring.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185

TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18

Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;

Karen M.
on 7/24/18 3:52 pm - Mississauga, Canada

OMG, Dawn, it is awesome to see you!! XOXO



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Karen M.
on 7/24/18 3:51 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Honestly, it sort of depends on a lot of things. How long you've been morbidly obese is a big one, your age, the length of time out of surgery... and more. At 12 + years post op, and at goal weight, am I thrilled with my naked self? Hell no. But... I was heavy for a long time and I've aged in 12 years! Honestly, I don't much care anymore - so many things are more important in life these days :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

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