What are you eating/doing this Wednesday?

on 6/6/18 3:42 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Good morning Gang, just having my breakfast before I head on the road to Mississauga. Country Mouse in the City, not fun. The only nice thing is, is that I get to actually have my breakfast at home instead of work.

2 years 2 mos post op RNY

B - 2 eggs, 1 cheese slice

S - sausage w. mustard

L - TBD - conference lunch, protein forward

S - strawberries and cucumbers (I know, where is the protein )

D - sautéed peppers, onions and chicken breast, shredded cheddar, dollop of sour cream

I have two sausage so maybe one will turn into my afternoon snack because I can't eat two at one time. I just wanted to be sure I had choices instead of the inevitable pastries that are served at every conference/seminar I seem to go to. It's like nobody in the hospitality industry has heard of eating healthy.

Have a great day everyone!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 6/6/18 4:04 am

Good morning,

I have not been very good at logging lately so I'm trying to get back at it. My diet has been good but I'm just not recording it.

B - Greek yogurt, fruit, granola

L - rice and quinoa crackers and laughing cow cheese

S - cheese string and premier protein

S - out with some girlfriends so I'm deciding between scallops or portobello burger. I'm siding with burger because I'm concerned the scallops may be too much fat and I'm having gallbladder issues. Waiting to see a surgeon.

Not sure totals until I decide my supper

St. Joes Hamilton - Referral June 16, Orientation Aug 16, Group Dietitian May 5, Nurse May 15, Social Worker Aug 15, 1:1 Dietitian Aug 15, Medical Internist Sept 18. Meet Surgeon Nov. 2/17 Preop Feb 12/18 Surgery Feb 16/18

on 6/6/18 4:10 am

Good morning lovely Ginny and everyone. Stay safe in that big city little country mouse, lol.

DH and I had such a fun night seeing Deadpool last night. Who would believe that they are serving kale chips at the theatre now, we didn't buy any. I opted for a bunless burger last night instead of cobb salad. It was so cold yesterday that I wanted something hot.

Today it's swimming, yoga, gym and then I have to make some calls. All of the exercise should take my angst level down a notch for the calls.

The eats today at 3 years 10 months:

B. Rivers of decaf with PP Vanilla used as creamer

S. Iso Gold Double/Double protein iced coffee between swimming and yoga

L. Late breakfast, Burnbrae egg bake with bacon and cheese melted on top

D. Salmon pinwheel stuffed with shrimp and scallops, grilled asparagus

S. spicy crab dip on cucumber crackers

Totals 871, Carbs 29, fibre 4, Fat 40, Protein 100

Have a great day everyone

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 6/6/18 5:46 am - Canada

Good morning :)

I have a massage this afternoon. I think it will be the last one for a while. I have to lay on my side for it which isn't very comfortable. I ended up with shoulder pain after the last one lol.

Yesterday my friend and I got to see the baby on the ultrasound. It was pretty awesome. We could see the mouth moving and the chest expanding with practice breaths. It is still breech though, the little booger.

Post-op three years, three months.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - toast and PB

Lunch - tbd

Snack - Greek yogurt

Dinner - spaghetti with meat sauce

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 6/6/18 1:04 pm
VSG on 03/06/18

Hi Peeps..

had a work lunch today, and managed to behave. :-) must say i hatre wasting food and i always ask for a smaller portion, but they still too big..

B - Protein Shake

S - Skyr yogurt

L - roasted red pepper soup, Grilled Chicken breast, Caesar salad. ( couldn't get to the salad and just had half the chicken..)

S - the rest of the skyr yogurt

D - Tuna in water, Cottage cheese, Salsa

S - piece of cheese.

MFP says.

Cal - 439

carb - 23

prot - 79

fat 7

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