Weird stories from the loser's bench!

on 5/23/18 6:24 am

Okay I will start. I had to bring up the height of my seat in the car because I couldn't see over the dash easily. At 5 ft nothing I am used to short people problems but I realized that because of all the weight I have lost....wait for bum is smaller and so my seated height is about four inches less!!!! What's your weird story?

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

on 5/23/18 8:53 am - Toronto, On

Can I count the time I basically moonwalked between two car side-mirrors in front of my parents because I was so excited about not having to turn sideways to get through?

on 5/24/18 7:50 pm

OMG that is hilarious....and now I am going to try that!

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

on 5/23/18 10:09 am

After weight loss, none of my shoes fit. I had to buy all new, pretty, in different colours, expensive shoes, ;)

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 5/24/18 7:50 pm

I believe you CC!

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

on 5/23/18 11:00 am
RNY on 09/12/17

Went to get fitted for a bra the other day. I am down to a 34C. (never been that in my life!)The sales lady tried to get me to try on a few "padded" bras. I tried one on and said, "Why the hell would I want these to be any bigger? I've just lost all of this weight, and now I need to pad them?" NO THANK YOU! I have the freedom to wear small crop tops now, move easily, and cross my arms. I like it that way...


Referred May 2016, Orientation July 4, 2016, Pre-Nutrition Class March 31, 2017, Nurse April 10, 2017, Blood work/ECG April 13, 2017, Ultra-sound April 27, 2017, Psychologist May 30, 2017, Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy June 5, 2017, Internist June 13, 2017, Dietician June 14, 2017, 2nd Round of blood work August 2, 2017, Surgeon September 6, 2017, Surgery September 12, 2017 - St. Joe's Hamilton - No Opti

Height 5"4" HW 231 SW222 CW141

PreOp-9 lbs M1-20lbs M2-11lbs M3-13lbs M4-7lbs M5-8lbs M6-7lbs M7-5lbs M8-5lbs M9-2lbs M10-0lbs M11 - 0lbs M12 - 0lbs

on 5/24/18 7:51 pm

It is the easy arm crossing that I love!

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

on 5/23/18 12:02 pm

I have a few of the same weird stories as previously noted but my favourite is clothes that I saved from when I was smaller, I blew right past them and now they're too big!

Referred January 7/17, Orientation Humber May 28/17, Meet Dr. August 4/17, TRIO November 3/17, Internist November 21/17, Surgeon again December 21/17, Pre-op assessment January 4/18 and Surgery January 12/18.

on 5/23/18 1:08 pm

OMG, I love all these stories!!!! I'm still pre-op but this thread made my day.

Referral: 23MAY2017 - Orientation 26JUL2017 - Social Work 20OCT2017 - Nurse 16NOV2017 - Nutrition Class 20NOV2017 - Endoscopy 23NOV2017 - Psych 01FEB2018 - Nutritionist 13FEB2018 - Surgeon 27APR2018 - Surgery 19JUN2018

(deactivated member)
on 5/23/18 2:33 pm - Courtice, Canada
RNY on 03/19/18

I often stare at myself in the mirror because I don't even recognize myself anymore!!! It's like I lost 20 years and I'm ok with that.

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