6 MONTH Post Op Update!!

on 3/23/18 10:38 am
RNY on 09/22/17

Thank you!! I'm hoping by my 41st birthday in August but if not then hopefully by my one year Surgiversary!! In any case I will get there!! :)

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

on 3/23/18 9:59 am

Woo! Congratulations, you are kickin butt!

on 3/23/18 10:39 am
RNY on 09/22/17

Thank you! My partner says he misses my butt, but I don't! Haha

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

on 3/23/18 12:17 pm

Hahaha! Shake those new buns proudly!!

on 3/23/18 4:54 pm

Yay...congrats on the success!

on 3/24/18 2:33 pm
RNY on 09/22/17

Thank you, Kali!! :)

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

on 3/25/18 2:41 pm
RNY on 09/01/17

Congratulations!! I can hardly believe it's been 6 months already. Time sure does fly.

Your outlook on food and weight loss is amazing and your results show it. You're doing incredibly well and certainly setting yourself up for a lifetime of sustainable success.

Keep doing this your way. Feeling good about your choices really, in my humble opinion and my experience, is the key to success... you're living proof.

I can't wait to celebrate 100 lbs lost with you, and onederland. Both certainly just around the corner!! :)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Choose happy.

Opti -10 / M1 -25.5 / M2 -10 / M3 -14.5 / M4 -13 / M5 -10 / M6 -5.5 / M7 -9.5 / M8 -13.5 / M9 -0.5 / M10 -2.5 / M11 -2.5 / M12 +2 / M13 -5.5

Century Club and Onederland in month 7!!

on 3/25/18 3:11 pm
RNY on 09/22/17

Thank you, OAAT!! I'm really feeling so optimistic at 6 months despite being shy of that 100lb mark. I will hit it in April for certain!!

I realize that not feeling carbs are enemy number one isn't the most popular opinion in the post op community but I really do believe that fibre and complex carbs are the key to healthy eating. All veggies are carbs, beans are carbs, and whole grains are carbs. They won't make you fat but they will keep you healthy. Isn't that why we are doing this?? So I'm doing it my way and feeling great and know I am developing a manner of eating that's sustainable long term and not something that feels like a fad diet. I think the most important thing to think about it what you can manage long term. For me eating a variety of foods is important even if I'm careful with carbs and limit them I know what's healthy food and what's unhealthy. Junk food and processed food are the carbs to be avoided not quinoa, squash, and whole grain toast! And I'm not going to feel guilty about including them because I know what I believe in. I also grew up watching my parents go from strict Atkins to low fat and everything in between and have done my own super restrictive diets enough to know that (at least for me) that sort of eating inevitably leads to regain. I'm not making those same mistakes this time. It's too important to me not to fail and the weight is coming off so go figure! :)

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

on 3/25/18 3:21 pm
RNY on 09/01/17

Awesome!! I agree with you. :) I eat veggies and fruit and beans. Occasionally bread or a tiny bit of rice or pasta or potato. They just don't sit too well in my pouch.

I will also indulge in treats once in a while. A little too often these past couple of weeks. Oops! It's been a roller coaster few weeks... getting a handle on it. :) And I've still been losing weight, just a little more slowly!! 6.75 months, 97 lbs. This is getting exciting!!! :)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Choose happy.

Opti -10 / M1 -25.5 / M2 -10 / M3 -14.5 / M4 -13 / M5 -10 / M6 -5.5 / M7 -9.5 / M8 -13.5 / M9 -0.5 / M10 -2.5 / M11 -2.5 / M12 +2 / M13 -5.5

Century Club and Onederland in month 7!!

on 3/25/18 5:20 pm
RNY on 09/22/17

OMG!!! Yay! You are so close! That is exciting.

It sounds like we are taking a similar approach. The more I'm eating this way the less I crave bread or pasta but at the same time I don't shy away from it either. Mind you it's an oz or 2 along with veg and always protein first but I'll have a wrap or half a bagel or a slice of toast a couple days a week. I'm having steak, broccoli and a tiny bit of bake potatoe tonight for dinner. It's about balance for me and it's working! The nutritionist at TWH was extremely supportive of my eating habits and said it's those who go too extreme or completely cut carbs that are back at five years with major regain. I guess you just have to be really honest with yourself and ask can I do this for the rest of my life? If no, then find a new approach to eating that you CAN. Plus the health benefits. I know protein helps us lose and I know it's good for bariatric patients who are losing so fast. Yes, yes, yes. I'm usually around 75g so I'm getting my protein but other foods are important for other reasons that are not necessarily for weight loss but good health. Fruit, veg, complex carbs and FIBRE! I will preach it until I'm blue in the face. lol plus, if you have that occasional treat your body won't freak out. It's all about balance!

Dobt beat yourself up over that bit of over indulging. Just get back to basics, track, get some walks in and wait for that 100lbs down mark! It's coming for you!! Excited and so happy to hear about your progress and that you aren't afraid to say the C word! ;)

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH

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