What are you ping/eating (Monday)

on 2/26/18 4:30 am

Good morning everyone. 5k done. Did it in 30 minutes which is a personal best for me. Today is work then home. Pretty boring life but it is okay by me. My ears are still plug but I feel like I am in the mend. Here are my eats for today:

breakfast: protein drink (half before gym, half after)

breakfast 2: protein bar

snack: Greek yogurt and almonds

lunch: pork chops and goat cheese

snack: cheese stick

dinner: turkey burger and goat cheese

i have been snacking on crackers too much so today's goal is no carby snacks. Have a great day everyone

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017

on 2/26/18 6:00 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Off to Costco this morning. DH needs new jeans so my grandma is taking me... Or I'm taking her... I'm driving and she has the membership ;) lol.

I've been posting a bunch of things online to sell to clean out what will be the baby room. DH got really motivated over the weekend and told me he would just move everything to the basement. I had to reign him in a bit as I want to organize, sell, and donate as I go so that we don't just have a giant pile in the basement that I will be able to ignore ;) Also, my mom is coming to visit in March and will be sleeping in that room, so we can't get rid of everything until after that.

Post-op two years, eleven months.

Breakfast - milk

Snack 1 - protein bar

Snack 2 - cheese and crackers

Lunch - tbd. Maybe costco samples.

Snack - apple and pb

Dinner - pork chops

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 2/26/18 7:53 am

Have fun at Costco. I need more shakes and restoralax from there. I will be going tomorrow

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017

on 2/26/18 9:00 am - Canada

I used to buy my protein powder there but they changed the ingredients from Splenda to stevia and I can't stand the new taste. I have three tubs to give my mom since she doesn't mind it.

on 2/27/18 11:04 am

You can take them back to costco for a refund.(former employee)

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

Joe D.
on 2/26/18 8:40 am
RNY on 02/09/18

Only 3wks out so I'm fairly boring. Looking forward to more real foods.

B: 1/2 cup fat free skyr yogurt

S: Premier Protein Chocolate shake (yes I know Guelph says it's a no no but I need the brain food)

L: 1/2 Soup's On Split Pea & Lentil soup

AS: 1/2 cup fat free skyr yogurt

D: 1/2 Happy Planet Thai Chicken soup (blended)

ES: 1/2 cup fat free skyr yogurt with a frozen strawberry mashed.

CW: 223.6 HW: 374 PreOpti:340 Surg:327 GW:215 M1: -24 M2: -20 M3: -15.4 M4: -17.6 M5: -12 M6: -14

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