WHat are you eating/doing (Friday)

on 2/23/18 4:04 am

I went to the walk in clinic yesterday as it has been two weeks of sickness now. He said it is just viral and I have to stick it out. Now hubby is coming down with it. Today marks day 7 of no gym and I am down 4 pounds. Hate to think it is muscle but I also have not eaten as much. I do plan on heading back to the gym tomorrow. I am also signing up for the 10k international bridge race for June so that is a great training tool to focus on. Here are my eats.

Breakfast: premier protein shake (strawberry from the US. So delicious)

snack: Greek yogurt

lunch: out with clients some protein in salad

snack: turkey pepperettes and cheese

snack: Greek yogurt

dinner: spaghetti sauce (big chunks of meat in sauce) the kids and hubby get noodles

have a great day.

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017

on 2/23/18 5:57 am - Canada

Leeann, I hope you feel better soon. This has been a terrible season for germs going around.

Good morning :)

I totally thought it was Thursday -- when I saw this thread I went to check my calendar to confirm it is in fact Friday. Hello weekend.

Today I have to go have blood drawn and then I want to go to Homesense to buy a new cheese grater. The handle on ours broke months ago and we have a gift card for Homesense, so it seems like a good time to find a new one :)

Post-op two years, eleven months.

Breakfast - cream cheese toast

Snack - protein bar

Lunch - chicken and sweet potato

Snack - apple and pb

Dinner - pork roast and something

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

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