on 1/29/18 8:18 am

Hey everyone,

Just an update and check in. I'm alive and well, and my time to join the losers bench is nearing!

I start optifast tomorrow, and then surgery is Feb 12, 2018! Oneatatime, I notice you commented on my last post, I'm so sorry I've just been so busy! I miss talking and hearing from you lovely people!

So I'm sitting at TWH right now, I just finished my pre-op appointment, and everything is finally setting in. This is happening! I'm doing it! I am taking the leap!

I'm pumped, I mean I won't be eating until March, but I'm still SO pumped!!


Referral: September 15 2016 Orientation: December 12 2016 Social Worker: March 23 2017 Nurse Practitioner: April 05 2017 Nutrition Assessment Class: April 11 2017 Dietitian Appointment: June 13 2017 Psych Appointment: July 06 2017 Surgeon Appointment: September 29th 2017 Pre-op Appointment: January 22 2018

Surgery: Feb 12 2018

Instagram: @TheShrinkingDiary

on 1/29/18 8:56 am


on 1/29/18 9:10 am

Saving a spot for you on the loser's bench. You've got this girl.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 1/29/18 11:11 am
RNY on 03/07/17

So excited for you! You have a great attitude and you will get through this with lots of love and support!


on 1/29/18 11:15 am

Not much longer now! I'll be following your post as I'm only a couple of weeks behind you (Feb 27th).

Referral to Sudbury: April 28th 2017, Orientation: July 19th 2017, 1:1's: Dec 14th 2017, Follow up with NP: Jan 9th OTN: Jan 18th, Pre-Op: Feb 12th, Surgery: Feb 27th - 2 weeks of Opti. Hospital: St. Joseph's TO with Dr Sullivan.

Height: 5'11, age 38. SW: 323lb CW:196lb

on 1/29/18 1:09 pm

I'm so excited for you!

referred Jan 2016 intake May 2016 left programme returned June 2017 final pre-sx class Oct 2017 surgeon appt Oct 2017

Opti Wt Nov 4/17 226 lbs BMI 45 Sx Wt 212 lbs RNY surgery Nov 23/17 M1 -18 M2-9 M3-10 M4-8 M5-6 M6-7 M7-6 M8-3 M9-1(so far) Down to within one pound of my goal and 99 lbs down from my highest weight. I was not a fast loser but who cares as long as you get there! I know the newbies check the trackers and the signatures so although I kind of lost track of how the rest of the weight came off, you should know that it was not fast and furious but it was slow and steady!

current BMI 24.7 that, my friends, is NORMAL!!! Strong is the new pretty!

on 1/29/18 4:11 pm
RNY on 09/12/17

Nope, you won't be eating much at all! LOL!

I am happy for you. Good luck with everything.


Referred May 2016, Orientation July 4, 2016, Pre-Nutrition Class March 31, 2017, Nurse April 10, 2017, Blood work/ECG April 13, 2017, Ultra-sound April 27, 2017, Psychologist May 30, 2017, Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy June 5, 2017, Internist June 13, 2017, Dietician June 14, 2017, 2nd Round of blood work August 2, 2017, Surgeon September 6, 2017, Surgery September 12, 2017 - St. Joe's Hamilton - No Opti

Height 5"4" HW 231 SW222 CW141

PreOp-9 lbs M1-20lbs M2-11lbs M3-13lbs M4-7lbs M5-8lbs M6-7lbs M7-5lbs M8-5lbs M9-2lbs M10-0lbs M11 - 0lbs M12 - 0lbs

on 1/29/18 6:37 pm

So excited for you..I as well is haveing my surgery the same day as you but at Humber,,cheers

on 1/29/18 7:21 pm - Canada
RNY on 06/02/17

I'm so excited for you

Surgery Jun.2/17 at TWH ----- HW 215 - SW 197.2 - GW 125 CW 124.6

Pre-Op=8.8lbs --- Optifast= 8.4 (was on it for 9 days due to cancellation)

M1 - 20.6... M2 -10.2... M3 -8.0... M4 -5.8... M5 -9.0... M6 -5.2... M7 -7.0... M8 -2.2... M9 -0.9... M10 -2.6... M11-0.6... M12-2.0


on 1/30/18 4:25 am

This is so exciting but I'm starting to be scared too. I start OPTI tomorrow and surgery on the 16. I feel like today is my last human day! I really want to get on with it but am afraid of OPTI! Strange I am not afraid of the surgery. Like you I am pumped!

St. Joes Hamilton - Referral June 16, Orientation Aug 16, Group Dietitian May 5, Nurse May 15, Social Worker Aug 15, 1:1 Dietitian Aug 15, Medical Internist Sept 18. Meet Surgeon Nov. 2/17 Preop Feb 12/18 Surgery Feb 16/18

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