Water hurts so much
Try changing the temp. For example if its cold drink at room temperature. Or vice versa. Maybe youre drinking too much at once?

TWH: Referral May 2015 --> Orientation November 2015 --> Surgeon at TWH Nov 2016 --> Transferred to Guelph --> Surgeon Appt Dec 1 2016 --> Opti Start Dec 8 2016 --> Surgery Dec 22 2016 HW: 331 SW:302 GW: 170
afterwards i couldnt drink water either, i had to play around with how i drank it. I tried cold cold with ice made things worse, I have to drink room temp water thats been sitting on the counter over night or it wont go down good without pain. I also have issues with plain water but if i flavour it with crystal light or mio i am okay. I also did diet ocean spray cran berry juice 50-75% water and 25-50% juice and that is the only way i could drink water for the first 8 months or so. If by 10 am i havent had at least 1 glass of plain water i switch right away to flavoured water and im good for the day. at 2.5 years post op i still have to flavour my water plain doesnt hurt anymore but i just cant see to drink plain water on most days.
Water hurt me post op... I found cold water worse then warm so often drank tea as it was easier for me. Now 9 months post op I can handle water just fine and can drink more per sip even. I can even drink cold water with no issues. So yes for me with time it all got better.
Good luck,

Referral MARCH 2016, Orientation JUNE 2016, Surgery FEBRUARY 14TH 2017
HW 272lbs 10 months Post-Op CW 175.7lbs
on 11/8/17 5:12 pm
I have not had my big day yet but I have wondered about this myself. I struggle with water even now. I love my vitamin water zero and crystal light though.
My question is do they want you to drink plain water? I struggle with that even now.
I hope it gets easier for you and hang in there!
I'm 3 years post-op and I still don't do plain water. It doesn't sit well. Newly post-op it hurt, and then it got slightly better, but not like pre-surgery. I always have a little bottle of water enhancer in my purse. I have no problems with iced coffee, frappaccinos, or other iced drinks.
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.