Documentary - Yes or No?
... and so it begins.
What's in a username? What is it supposed to say about me.... about my journey? The keyboard lay in front of me... silently mocking.. not offering anything in terms of advice or hints as to what to write. I just couldn't think of something creatively clever... something uniquely me. I'm a Writer/Director/Producer... who gets paid to be clever... so why couldn't I think of something? In a just-get-it-done moment... my fingers clicked the keys and it came out GUY57. My name is Guy and I'm 57 years old. I-n-spiring!
I came back weeks later to see if I could change it... but the more I though about it.... the more it became the right username for me. My 57th year will be like and unlike any of the past 56.... a year of change.
My name is GUY57.... and I hope to hear your story.
I go to Guelph on Thursday September 14, 2017 for my first orientation. I am led to believe we are assigned some sort of support group to help us along in our journey. I've been debating whether to do a documentary on my experience going through this process. Youtube testimonials are thankfully plentiful and informative; however, few are from Canada... and even fewer have multiple people all going through the process at the same time.
My question is a simple one. Documentary - Yes or No?
Yes...GO FOR IT!

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18
Thanks for the feedback jackie42! ;-)
People think WLS surgery is the easy way out?!?! That's ignorant and crazy to boot!
57 years of yoyo dieting, weight loss programs, fad diets, thousands of dollars in exercise equipment/gym memberships, and losing and gaining literally several human beings in weight... this is my last resort. If I don't do have this surgery.... i am going to die.
If cutting up and rearranging my insides is the easy way out... than call me EASYGUY57.... and pray my surgery comes quickly!
Hi GUY57! My partner is actually a documentary producer and I just chatted with him about this and we say YES!
I am honestly surprised there are so many of us going through this. I had no idea. It's not something people talk about that much and not even something a lot of doctors are well versed or even familiar with. Why? Why is WLS so taboo? I think a documentary could not only help patients directly but also help support people, friends, family, family doctors, and the rest of the world understand how challenging this journey can be and how WLS is helping so many people.
It might be difficult to find people willing to participate or getting approval from the hospital but hey, that's your job right? ;)

Feb 17/16 - orientation TWH | March 3/16 - nurse | Nov 22/16 - Phone call f/u re-entry | Oct 18/16 - nurse | Nov 29/16 - nut class | Feb 16/17 - social worker | March 7/17 - nut apt | March 22/17 - psych apt | March 30/17 - team approved | May 5/17 - surgeon apt | June 8/17 - endoscopy | Sept 22/17 SURGERY RNY @TWH
Hey eLoon77! ;-)
Thanks for the feedback! Your partner will probably say that being a documentary producer is a lot easier when you're doing the documentary on someone else other that yourself! hahahhahaha!!!
It is definitely a topic that seems to always be from a first person perspective.... at least all the youtube videos I've seen so far. They've been great on so many different levels... informationally, emotionally, psychologically, etc etc etc. What I haven't seen is WLS explored from the viewpoint of multiple people all going through it at the same time. You bring up some interesting points on all the people surrounding the WLS patient (though patient seems like the wrong word...someone out there please help me find the right word! ;-)
If I were the hospital... I'd be bending over backward to produce a documentary for WLS (insert better new word here). What does everyone else think?? Would you or your family members want to participate in this kind of documentary??
on 9/9/17 5:09 pm, edited 9/9/17 10:10 am
Want to know why I think people don't want to talk about it ...because calling attention to your weight has always been something that well ....I'll talk about myself ...when I was thinner I was out there - gregarious- fun.. outspoken... and in the last 20 years.., I try to hide ..I try to blend in ...try not to be front and centre because I'm ashamed I'm embarrassed and so the fact that I have to get this done calls attention to the fact that I was unable to do it myself. That's my truth! Great idea.. obviously I won't be in the interview or in the documentary but I am cheering you on behind the scenes!