
on 3/3/17 6:43 am

keeping it real. I have such a busy life that I dreamt of the day I could just lay at home alone and watch movies. Now that I can while I am recovery I realize that dream involved being surrounded with my comfort junk food. I am doing well but I can say I miss my food friends. Silly eh?

referral: early June 2016; surgery Feb 21, 2017

on 3/3/17 7:20 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Not silly at all. Very common. It is also common to feel a little down after surgery. We store hormones in our fat. They are being released as you melt away. It is very common to have a hormone dump.

Soon as you lose weight fast you will feel euphoric at how well you are doing.Unfortunately the desire to eat the comfot food will stay and you will have to work on this for the rest of your life. It is part of the changes you will need to make





on 3/3/17 8:08 am
VSG on 07/09/18

Not silly at all. You've been through a major surgery, with all the stress both good and bad that it brings. Your body is recovering from the trauma plus all the massive hormonal shifts WLS involves. Social Work told me that the period immediately following WLS is an especially vulnerable one, in terms of emotions. It's totally normal to be feeling down.

Be kind to yourself, and try not to beat yourself up for missing the old comfort junk foods. I'd say it's totally natural to "mourn" their "passing" (after all, they do a pretty darn good job of comforting us, even if if the comfort only lasts short term).

Age: 43, Height: 5'8"
Highest Weight: 420; Opti Starting Weight: 395; Surgery Weight: 371;
Current Weight: 322.1; Goal Weight: 160

"Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful."
-Vincent Van Gogh

on 3/3/17 8:38 pm

I totally agree. It is a kind of a grief. It's a big change. :) Hugs.

on 3/3/17 10:47 pm

It's not silly! I'm just ending day 3 of opti and I'm missing my food friends. THese last three days are going by soooo slow!!! lol

11 more days to go lol

Think its perfectly normal for your feelings. When your so busy with work beforehand so you have a lot of distractions, and now your home, not as busy....your mind wonders and messes with you. Think it will just take time, that's what I'm holding onto. Seems its the hardest the first while, but I know you got this!

Hang in there, I'm doing my best to hang in as well!

Keep up the great work!!

Orientation April 2016 - Final approvals December 2016. Surgical Class January 23, 2017. Met with Dr. Reed February 7, 2017. Opti start date March 1, 2017. Surgery March 15, 2017 (Dr. Foute-Nelong).

HW 348 SW 316 CW 191

GW 160

on 3/4/17 4:34 am

I don' think it's strange at all.

I had the opposite reaction to my old favorites though. I hated them to the point where I gave a display of potato chips the finger without intending to do it. It surprised me (and made an elderly man who was passing by laugh). When I stood too close to a Valentines day marshmallow chocolate display at the dollar store check out, the smell almost made me sick.

I was angry at foods for basically taking my brain hostage and making me need surgery. I was in so much pain that I actually blamed the foods (and my brain for wanting them) for the pain.

I walk in the mall every day and then sit with my parents in the food court while they have a coffee and muffin. We have to sit in the tables that are furthest away from the foods because the smells make me nauseated.

I do have cravings though. I want a salad and a crisp apple soooo badly. I can't wait until the day in the future when I can have them. Yesterday I was gazing at the apples in the grocery store with lust, lol. I'm allowed apple sauce, but it's just not the same as biting into a crisp juicy apple.

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


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