What are you eating/doing Monday?

on 2/13/17 4:08 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Post Op RNY 10 months

Good Monday morning menu Peeps!  How was your weekend?  I had a great time at the Medieval Times show on Saturday night.  If you haven't been its definitely worth going!  Yesterday I had a mild workout at the gym and then an afternoon visit with my bro.  Great steak on the BBQ for dinner.  Weekend success!  Back to the grind today and being smart with my choices.  Today we are starting a Couch to 5K program (learn to run) at lunch.  It goes M-W-F and we will be doing this at the track at the arena.  Hopefully helps get that scale moving!

I'm going out to dinner with a friend tonight so I'm not sure what the menu is.  I had a peak online and nothing really caught my eye.

So what I have planned is this:

B - 3 meatballs (Farmboy)

S - 2 slices deli turkey with mustard

L - tuna with light mayo

S - premier protein

Totals (so far) Cal 743 carbs 20, protein 92.

Have an awesome Monday (if that's possible)


Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 2/13/17 5:43 am - Canada

Good morning :)

I have a bunch of things I could do today but I'm waiting on the bathroom guys again. Our 1-2 week reno has already turned into a month. And I had such high hopes for these ones...

I've decided to take a leave of absence from my program for the summer pending a couple admin questions, and I'm really looking forward to it. My friends are getting married in August and then my sister in September. I'm hoping to refocus on getting out and walking and gardening... Just finding myself again. I feel like school has sucked a lot of creativity and motivation out of me.

Oh, one other thing... I've been having what seems to be pretty bad heartburn for the last few days. I think it might be a side effect of my new med because I haven't changed anything else. I restarted my PPI but it doesn't seem to be touching it. I'm wondering if this will increase my risk for ulcers. Any thoughts?

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - yogurt (somehow our eggs froze in the fridge)

Lunch - beef and veg

Snack - carrots and pb

Dinner - beef and veg

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 2/13/17 6:43 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Off soon for a long walk. We are taking our snow shoes to the park for the walk. Sure is a lot of snow for the city. Not much else planned. Home tonight

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries

l turkey deli meat, sl tomato, sl cheese

s source yogurt

d chicken, acorn squash

s baby bel






on 2/13/17 7:00 am - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

Good morning!  I didn't get a chance to post yesterday.  I had buffalo chicken puree for dinner last night, but I didn't like it at all!  Won't be making that again.   

I still need to work on my fluid intake.  I'm finding it hard to get in much during the day with eating - doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day waiting 30minutes each time.   I'm drinking most of my fluids at night after my eating is done.

My plan for today

B - Skyr yogurt with sugar free jam, boiled egg

L - tuna salad on saltines

D - ricotta bake (might try and add some soft cooked veggies on the side)

S - cheese stick, hummus


Any suggestions for soft cooked veggies at the pureed stage?  It might sound weird, but I am craving spinach, sweet potato and turnips.

HW: 335 SW: 310 CW: 287

on 2/13/17 5:00 pm

Your meals look great!  Let me know how you like the ricotta bake, please.  I'm really looking forward to that.  Sorry the buffalo chicken puree wasn't to your liking; sounds yummy.

I'm not sure about the veggies on your plan, but my plan mentions these as OK for the puree stage: carrots, green beans, peas, parsnips, cauliflower.  Sweet potatos are also OK on my plan for the puree stage, but they are in the grain section.  I myself am craving butternut squash in a major way, lol.


Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


on 2/14/17 8:26 am - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

The ricotta bake is really good.   I think the buffalo chicken was bad because it was made with canned chicken.  Maybe I will re-try sometime with real chicken and see how it is.

HW: 335 SW: 310 CW: 287

on 2/13/17 8:38 am
Revision on 10/04/16

My plan for the  day:


B-Overnight oats made with premier, chia and 1/4 apple

S-Half portion of oats and 7grams of parm crisps

L-ground turkey with celery and green onion, soysauce and chinese 5 spice.  Freeze dried strawberry chips

S-Chocolate chia pudding

D-Zucchini yogurt pasta with chicken.  Freeze dried fruit chips.


will be 954 calories 33%carb 23% fat 44%protein which is pretty close to my goal of 35/25/40 and 950 calories


Band-RNY revision age 50 5'4" HW 260 SW: 244 (bf healthy range 23-35%) bf 23.7% (at 137lbs) cw range 135-138.lbl with butt lift and mastoplexy March 23, 2018...2.5lbs removed.

Pre-op-16lbs (size 18/20...244) M1-16lbs (size 18...228) M2-15.6lbs (size 16/18...212.4) M3-10lbs (size 16..202.4) M4-11.4lbs (size 14...191) M5-10.8lbs (size 12...180.2) M6-8.4 (size 8/10...171.8) M7-6.4 (size 8...165.4 lbs) M8-11.6 (size 6...153.8) M9-5.6 (size 4/6...148.2) M10-5.8 (size 4....142.4) M11-4 (size 2/4...138.4) Surgiversary -1 (size 2/4...137.4) M13-2.6 (size 2/4...134.8) M14 (size 2/4...134.8) M15 (size 2...135) M16 (size 2...131.4) M17 (size 2...135) M18 (size 2...135) M19 (size 2...138) M20 (size 2...135) M21 (size 2...138)

on 2/13/17 4:54 pm

Hi guys,

Ginny, the Medieval Times sounds wonderful; so glad you liked it. 

My weekend was good, and pain free,thank God.  Today I went on my first outing, to the grocery store,lol.  I picked up some foods I'm allowed on this full fluid stage, and a few items for the puree stage which I start on the 16th (so excited!).

13 days post RNY, meal plan for today:

Breakfast: Caramel Premier Protein Shake

Lunch: 20 ml of fat free cottage cheese (yummy and went down well!).  Next time I'll have more cottage cheese but just wanted a bit to try this time.  Also finished rest of breakfast shake.

Dinner: Chocolate Pr.P Shake

Snack: herbal tea

Plus all water and vitamins.


Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


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