Hi! Just looking to share my journey so far and seek support! I had my Orientation in July 2016 and met with the surgeon in December. I have Dr. Starr and he was amazing. I just met with dr. glazer yesterday and he told me to "take my pills the morning of the surgery" and I looked at him and said "so I'm good to go!" I was so happy. He did say my Vitamin D was low and suggested I take one pill three times a day. I did ask if this would delay my surgery and he said it wouldn't. I have my "trio" appointment (Dietitian, RN and SW) upcoming on february 9th. Super nervous. I've been keeping a food diary off and on since July on MyFitnessPal but will complete the paper exercise for the three days before the appointment. Anything else I should know/prepare for this appointment?
Hopefully I get the green light from them and a surgery date! anyone else who went to Humber experience similar timelines and also know the wait list should I get approved after my "trio"?
thanks in advance :)
Study study the orientation book know it inside out.. They will ask u a lot of questions.. They will want u to explain the surgery, the risk, what vitamins u need to take and when, each stages of diet and give examples what u would eat at each stage. I studied the book knew it inside out.. The social worker ask a lot of questions from home, work, support and if u are telling people about the surgery or keeping it quiet.
Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16
Welcome GB Girl. Congrats on getting approved.
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.
Thank you all for the warm welcome and suggestions!!
I will have more info after my appointment in only 2 weeks; not that I'm counting down the days or anything
Referral date: May 19, 2016 | Info session: July 12, 2016 | Surgeon Approval: December 2, 2016 | Pre Op: January 24, 2017 | Trio: February 9, 2017 | Surgery Date: March 3, 2017, Humber River Regional Hospital
Starting Weight: 253 | Post-Optifast Weight/day of surgery: 237 | Current Weight: 123.2