Why aren't herbal teas allowed before surgery?

on 1/17/17 7:04 am

Hi Ginny,

Thanks; I tried that and didn't like it, and regretted wasting my opti in the coffee, lol.  That was my second day though; things may have changed now so I'll try it again.  I guess if worst comes to worst, I can add some crystal lite into ho****er for a fake tea.  I tried it with the raspberry/blueberry tea crystal lite and it was OK but too sweet.  I'm going to go get some other flavors today.


Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


on 1/17/17 4:45 am - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

I didn't know I was supposed to stop my vitamins.   I just went back to my instructions, I don't see that anywhere.  I will stop today, just in case.   I'm assuming I should continue with my iron supplement though, I need that as high as possible before surgery.   Guess I'll give my centre a call...  

Thanks for posting!

on 1/17/17 5:44 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 01/23/17

The pharmacist should have told you during your pre-op appt what to continue taking and what to stop.
Most of mine I keep taking up until the day before :)

HW - 283lbs (1991)** LW - 206lbs (2014)**CW 265lbs **Slimband - March 8, 2013 ** 275lbs @ Preop Diet**  261lbs on surgery day**Referral TWH - Feb'16**Orientation TWH - May 11/16**Psychologist TWH (Dr Wnuk) - June 24/16 ** Social Work (Anna Wallwork) - July 20/16 **Nurse (Wei Wang) - July 25/16 ** Nutrition Class (Lorraine Gougeon) - Aug 15/16    Endoscopy TWH - Aug 18/16  Dietician (Laura Scott) - Sept 15/16 Surgeon Dr Okrainek Nov 18/16 ** PreOP @ TWN Jan 9/17 *** RNY & Lap Band Removal Surgery @ TWH Jan 23/17 w/ Dr Urbach

on 1/17/17 5:59 am - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

My memory is terrible, but I really don't think it was mentioned during my pre-op.  I don't take any medications at all, just vitamins, so maybe because she didn't have to go through my medicine list she forgot??  I'm not sure.  I'm so glad to have this forum so at least I'm aware and can clarify now.

All the best to you next week!  I'm 2 days later.  13 days of optifast down, 8 more to go!!

on 1/17/17 7:21 am

It must be different depending on where you go for surgery.  I'm at St. Joe's in Toronto. I was given a a Pre-Op Instruction sheet, where it tells me what to do to prepare for surgery. Most of the stuff on the list talks about what to do the night before surgery, so I was shocked when I read number 3, which says "Discontinue the use of vitamins, supplements, herbal medications, and herbal teas 14 days prior to surgery."

Every other item on the list, and there are 12 of them, are for the night before or the day of surgery.  They should have highlighted that one as it would be easy to think the whole sheet was for the night before.

On my Optifast page, it says I am allowed teas, so I called Valerie at St. Joe's and she was really surprised about the instructions that told me to stop but said to follow them and cross out where it says I can have tea on the optifast page, lol.

I just found a lovely peppermint tea and licorice spice blend too.  Oh well; it's only for 2 weeks. I can always have broth in the morning if I need to warm up, lol.



Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


on 1/17/17 7:27 am - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

wow - what are you other instructions for the night before?   My only instruction was to not eat/drink after midnight.

on 1/17/17 11:26 am

They gave me  lots of instructions:

It says not to eat or drink after midnight, but I am allowed sips of water the morning of the procedure to take medications as instructed by the pharmacist.

Discontinue vitamins/herbs/supplements/herbal teas 14 days prior.

Shower or bath according to instructions given.

Do not shave, wax, or clip the surgical site (thankfully nothing needs to be shaves on my stomach, lol).

No makeup, hairspray, nail polish, deodorant, body creams, powders, or fake or acrylic nails.

Wear comfy, loose clothing.

Leave wallet, credit cards, and items of value at home.  Bring no more than $20.00 cash for personal expenses.

Leave all jewelry at home. Remove all piercings.

It's OK to wear hearing aids but bring their case.

Leave contact lenses at home.  It's OK to bring eye glasses, but bring a case.

Prior to surgery members of the team will meet with you regarding this surgical safety checklist.

There's also a big warning at the top to notify my surgeon if I get sick/feverish/have any health issues, or think I may be pregnant.






Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


on 1/23/17 4:25 am - Canada

I just checked my info packet.  It does not say to stop my vitamins either.  I will ask at my pre-op appointment on the 30th. I start optifast that day as well.

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/17 6:23 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I was allowed herbal tea but was to stop herbal supplements.  I used mint tea the whole time as I would brew it really strong and use it in my chocolate Optifast instead of water once it had cooled off.  Some herbs can thin the blood, I'd call and ask if peppermint is allowed if that is the only one that you plan on using.  Are you allowed to use lemon juice on your veggies?  I was allowed it on mine so you could make some hot lemon water if you like that and could sweeten with a bit of splenda if you find it too sour.

on 1/17/17 7:30 am

Hi Tracey,

Thanks for the idea about lemon juice; I am allowed that!  Doing the happy dance!

I just called to ask if I could have peppermint tea and was told to stop all teas.

It's just psychological; I want to drink something hot in the morning. Back when I was a teacher I was able to drink black coffee but now it just makes me ill.



Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto

1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017

Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017


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