
4 days post op update

on 12/8/16 5:26 pm

Hello everyone 

I'm still in hospital. I am to be discharged tomorrow, despite not being able to maintain my fluid intake. everything I put in creates such pain in the upper abdomen. for the first couple days I assumed it was just the gas, I've felt the gas move down to my lower belly and have passed some gas (not the manly eruption I've been hoping for, but enough to feel some relief in the lower abdomen) 

Nobody seems to know why I am having difficulty with drinking the smallest of sips. they've had to put me back on IV 3x since yesterday as I was dehydrating and my sugar was very low. with that said, I don't feel ready to leave but as I'm beginning to feel like I've over welcomed my stay I have made an appointment with my family doctor. I will be leaving here and getting on a train to head back home 4 hours away and my appointment with my family doctor is at 4:45. 

I'm trying really hard to be optimistic about everything but it's hard when I feel like I keep hitting brick walls in every direction. My uvula which isn't causing me any pain only discomfort is really worry some.  imagine a piece of dentene gum attached to your uvula, it literally dangles down my throat when I swallow and every time I cough it comes into my mouth and then I have to try to pu**** back to the back again. It creates a lot of anxiety. 

Today I've managed to take in 210 ml of fluids. I've been trying to get in the premiere protein as the broth, jello and the bariatric juice is almost impossible to get down.

I'm up and walking as much as I can be. it's slow moving due to the distended and very painful upper abdomen. 

That's all for now.

on 12/8/16 6:00 pm

Thanks for giving us the update Cinderz.  It is my understanding, and I'm sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong, that when they do the surgery laparoscopically they fill your abdomen with air and after some of it gets trapped and has to be absorbed by the body. 

I wouldn't worry in the next few days about trying to get in all of your protein requirements, but do try to get in more fluid of any kind.  That will make you feel better.  When you are home, set an egg timer to drink 50ml every 60 minutes over the course of that time.  Take everything slow.  The tiniest sips add up over the day.  Being dehydrated can make you feel nauseous and exhausted.  Let us know what your family doctor says.

Sending hugs.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 12/8/16 6:21 pm

Yes I do understand that not all of the air will be released out the bottom end, I haven't experienced any pain in my shoulders that most people have. They have referred to the pain I'm having as spasms and have ordered a new medication to coat the stomach before I drink. I'm not overall worried about the protein intake as I am the fluids. the reason I am aiming for more of the protein shake is for the little bit of sugar it has in it. since I've had surgery my sugar has only been above 5 once, it's been about 3.4-4.8 which is really low for me. I plan to keep sipping as dehydration is my biggest fear right now, I just wi**** didn't come with such pain!

Thanks for your thoughts and we'll wishes :-)

on 12/8/16 7:08 pm

Hi Cinderz, That sounds like a rough ride to go through after waking up from your surgery. I hope they were treating you well at the hospital?

It's always nicer to be at home. Take it slow and easy. Best of luck to you!


Referral: August 2015; TWH Orientation: December 14, 2015; Social Worker: Jan 27 2016; Nurse Practitioner: March 14; Nutrition Class: April 26; Psych Evaluation: June 7; Nutritionist: July 21; Meet the Surgeon: Oct.21 2016; Pre-Op: December 16, 2016; Scheduled Surgery: January 5 2017! HW 248; SW 237 ... GW 138.  Feeling grateful and fortunate to have this opportunity.

on 12/8/16 10:09 pm

Hi Cinderz,

My gosh, you've had a rough time!  What do they say about your uvula; isn't there anything they can do? That is so awful, that it was damaged like that.  I'd be freaking out.  If your surgeon won't look at it, can you get it checked out in the ER?

I hope things will get better for you soon.  Sending warm thoughts and prayers.



on 12/9/16 2:13 am

Hi Kathy, 

Thank you for the warm thoughts and prayers, truly appreciated ! 

They did send an E.N.T in the other day who said it should repair itself within a few days, at the time it looked like a blister. since then it has grown and is solid white. it looks exactly like a piece of excel/dentyne, chicklet type gum attached to the left side of the uvula. and the whole thing is also longer then usual. The surgeon doesn't seem interested in looking at it at all. I've asked him too and he said it's not his field. The one nurse looked at it and literally stepped back and winced. it's a very unpleasant feeling and thankfully not as sore as it looks like it should be. 

I've made friends with a guy who had surgery the same day I did, with the same surgeon ans he is experiencing the same after pain as I am (minus the damaged uvula) I understand that 98% of the time the surgery goes as planned and people are out the door in 2 days and on the mend. It is frustrating to fall in that 2% and be felt like you're making stuff up. As much as I don't feel I am ready to leave, I feel like I've over welcomed my stay here. I'm hoping once I'm home and in my own comfort zone things will be a little better.

I'll keep you updated 

on 12/9/16 5:30 am

Which surgeon did you have? 

on 12/9/16 8:52 pm

I had Dr Grantcharov 

I did a lot of research when I was told who was doing my surgery and he came highly recommended. He is head of the safety team at St Michael's Hospital. I don't honk badly of him on a surgeon level but his bedside manner could use a little polishing up.

on 12/12/16 9:51 am

Thanks. I have Dr. Rotstein so I was a bit nervous. 

on 12/9/16 1:21 pm

You're so very welcome, Cinderz; my heart goes out to you.  Nobody wants to be in the 2%.  Such a shame you had these complications. 

It's great that the uvula will repair itself over time, at least that is one less thing to worry about. 

It's nice that you got to know another person who had the surgery with the same surgeon, and who's going through some of the same things...not nice that you're both hurting, of course, but that you have someone right there to talk with who can understand what you're going through.

Do you live far away from the hospital?  I'm in Northern ON and have to travel over 700 km for surgery, so I was told I'd have to stay in Toronto for up to a week after getting discharged, in case of complications, so I won't have to travel all the way back from the Sault again. I've already booked a room for a week. 

Let us know when you get home safely, OK.  Here's hoping that you'll feel better once you're out of the hospital.

Take care,



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