Today's the day!!!
Thanks for all of the positive vibes everyone! Yesterday was one hell of a day. I don't do well on anesthesia so they kept me in recovery for 8 hours. I tend to have issues with my oxygen levels so it was a long day. I was done my surgery by 9:30am but didn't leave recovery until 5:30pm.
They had everything from the mask, a nebulizer, prongs and a fancier stronger type of prongs with more contracted oxygen. Not sure what that one is called but my parents call it my milk moustache (I think it kind of looks like a giant tampon laying across my face)! Lol
I was n quite a bit of pain yesterday and can't take oral dilaudid without the risk of being really ill so I got it by injection. Ever since the last one yesterday evening, I've just been managing with the Tylenol/tranedol (sp?) combo. So far water seem!s to be staying down okay. I've had a few severe bouts of nausea but so far so good. Now to try to convince the morning nurse to change my dressings before sending me home at 10am. The incisions were rather messy yesterday so they need a change in order to see them properly at home.
My "roommate" seems lovely. He had the same procedure and was the last one of the day. It's been nice sharing a room with one who also went through it because we are feeling very similar pain levels etc. Makes it feel more "normal". Also gives you someone to talk to about the whole process while killing time. :)
Anyway, enough rambling from me. Will be a slow and steady recovery. So far the worst pain is the upper gas pressure but sipping, walking and resting seems to help.
GP Referral to OBN - Dec 1/15; Orientation - Feb 11/16; Intake meeting - Feb 17; Consultation w/ surgeon - Apr 18; Start OPTI - May 13; Pre-Admit w/ Anesthetist - May 16; Surgery - Jun 3/16!!!
You'll do great!! If you've ever had has pains or bad heartburn, it's similar with some pressure. My incisions are tender but not overly painful. My tummy muscles are sore too. They are pretty good at staying on top of the pain. I would describe it as "uncomfortable" rather than excruciating. Whenever you find that pain getting stronger, just let your nurse know and she (or he) will take care of it. I find the pain meds kick in very quickly. Good luck and let me know you do! I've been staying in touch with someone who had hers this past Monday and find it helpful to follow someone who is only a few days ahead. :)
GP Referral to OBN - Dec 1/15; Orientation - Feb 11/16; Intake meeting - Feb 17; Consultation w/ surgeon - Apr 18; Start OPTI - May 13; Pre-Admit w/ Anesthetist - May 16; Surgery - Jun 3/16!!!