What are you doing/eating today ( Tuesday)
Afternoon all. All is well, just busy with school and such. Hope everyone is well.
2yrs post-op
B - 2 boiled eggs, coffee 5% cream
S - 1oz mozzarella, 4 strawberries
L - 2.7oc chicken breast, 1/3 cup cucumbers
S - 1 tbsp pb. 2 brenton crackers
D - 2oz pork, 1/4 cup spinach and kale, 1/4 cup corn meal
S - 3 slices deli ham
Have a great one all, Nia
Hi all, this is a late post but some days there are not enough hours in the day! Came home from work and hopped on the treadmill, then heading off to yoga with a friend later. I hope everyone has a great evening!
7.5 months post op
b- protein shake
s- source Greek yogurt- apple pie so yummy
l- 1 c kale salad with feta cheese, 2 slices of summer sausage
s- orange pepper slices with 2 tbsp jalenpeno yogurt dressing
d- 1.5 oz pork tenderloin, 1/2 c cauliflower and 2 tbsp mashed potatoes
s- likely a sf jello,with a smudge of light whipped cream
all water and vits