new member, need info
Hello to everyone,
I'd like to get some info on regards to Gastric bypass surgery, my doctor told me the that I qualified for the OHIP to pay for my surgery, I did some research and I wasn't able to find much info about here in Ontario, My doctor sent me to Dr. Poon Metabolic diet, and after listening to them I realized that it is not for me, 15 years ago I was able to lose over 70 lbs in 6 months but I put it back after a few years and this time more than before, and that's why I can honestly say that dieting is not for me. I am 45 years old, I have 2 kids and I don't play very much with them because I get tired very easy, plus my health is not the greatest, I've been thinking about the surgery and after talking to my wife we decided that is the best option for me, now here comes my questions:
1. what is the waiting time to get it done here in Ontario
2. how is the surgery done ( big scar, where, etc)
3. How long does take to get back to work.
4. What do I do now? (steps to followed)
5. Do I look for my Doctor myself or my family doctor does that for me?
sorry for the questions but I don't who to ask.
Sending you some links that will answer most of these questions:
The UHN Bariatric Program website is down right now - google it tomorrow. This is the program in the GTA - there are other programs for Guelph, Hamilton etc. so look for one in your region.
- Wait time can be a year + - but you have to participate in a multi faceted program to be evakuated (nurses, dieticians, psychologists etc.)
- Surgery is laparoscopic -- usually 5 small incisions, mine look like paper cuts
- They say to allow 4 - 6 weeks off work. I work from my home office and was back at it part time 5 days post op - didn't take on any new/big challenges
- Read up, make a list of your co-morbidities (apnea, high blood pressure, diabetes), maybe start a food diary
- 5ee your doctor and have them register you online here:
Hope this helps. I am 10 weeks post op and doing okay!
Hi there,
Firstly, your doctor will need to register you on the Bariatric Network. Than after a few months, you will receive a call to attend a orientation lead by a registered nurse. This info session will fill you in on all you will need to know. It gives you all info and you can decide to go ahead with the surgery or you can change your mind.
On how long the waiting time takes, really depends on where you go for surgery. You will be given a hospital and surgeon according to where you live. I live in Barrie Ontario and was sent to Humber River Hospital which is closest to me with this type of surgery. I was referred by my doctor in July of 2014 and my orientation was October 2014. I wasn't called until the following year to meet the surgeon, which was March 23, 2015. I than had to see a Nutritionist, Social Worker and Registered Nurse which was not until June 1. You will be expected to keep a food journal for 3 days to show the nutritionist. If they pass you, you will be than given a surgery date. You will than have to see the internist (My appt was August 18). It'll most likely be 1 year minimum before your actual surgery. My surgery date is November 23, 2015.
You will require to be on vitamins for the rest of your life because after the surgery, you won't be able to absorb vitamins through food like you used too.
Others can fill you in on how long they took off work to recover. I am planning on 3 weeks. I just sit at a desk all day, so I should be ok. I think the doctor recommends minimum 4 weeks off.
While waiting, if you drink pop, stop. Carbonated beverages are a no-no. Sugar is to be limited to no more than 10g per serving and try to cut down on fats, no more than 3g. I believe you'll have to stop caffeine by 2 months prior to surgery.
As for the surgery itself, it's done laparoscopically (using tools inserted through small cuts in the belly). You will stay in hospital 2-3 days if all goes well.
Referral: July 2014 Orientation: October 2014
Meeting with Surgeon: March 23, 2015
RN/SW/Dietician: June 1, 2015
2ND Phone Interview with Dietician: July 7, 2015
Dr. Glazier (Internist): August 24, 2015
Surgery: November 23, 2015
Starting Weight: 305 lbs - Goal Weight: 130 lbs - Current Weight: 145 lbs
THank you very much for the info,
I was also referred tp Dr. Poon and I was told that I need to lose at least 100 lbs, 2 days ago started the diet, it's very strict diet for at least 2 weeks, next week I will also start Fisiotherapy plus working out at fitness club.
My doctor wants me to try this before we do the surgery.
I'll try my best and hopefully it'll work out.
thanks again