wait time?
I'm very new to this journey. My Dr sent in my referral Aug 2015, so this process is just getting started for me.
Sorry for the dumb question what is patt that you're doing today?
other than waiting for something in the mail or a phone call, is there a way to find out if my referral has indeed been sent?
I'm going through TWH, referral was sent Aug 27, 14, got the orientation invite late October, 14. My orientation was Jan 28, 15. Just finished all my appts end of Aug, waiting for my surgeon consult date.

Referral: Aug 27/14, Orientation TWH: Jan 28/15, Social Worker: Apr 17/15, Nurse Practitioner: Jul 9/15, Nutrition Class: Jul 14/15, Psychologist: Aug 18/15, Nutritionist: Aug 28/15, Surgeon: Oct 2/15, RNY Surgery: Dec 4/15