GOUT Attach = OUCH!
Well folks here I am on my 3rd week surgaversary and I've been battling a gout attach since Saturday - OMG - I feel terrible for anybody who deals with this on a regular basis - I can barely walk... All the solutions the DR's have come up with haven't helped yet - anybody have any suggestions on how to make the pain subside???
Oh - Otherwise things are going splendid, I never knew how much I'd appreciate solid(er) food ;)
Visualize the person you want to be every chance you get - and you can become it!
Century Club Member at 6 months, working on my next 50 years!
How awful for you! Are they not giving you medication?
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
Today the Gout pain is gone - here is what they had me do... I was given a prescription yesterday morning for Colchicine, .6 mg. they are tiny little pills and don't look like they will do much. I took 2 immediately followed by 1 an hour later.
That was at 1:00pm yesterday afternoon. at 7:00pm last night I had to hobble really fast to the bathroom - it was a horrid explosion but the Dr. told me to expect it. By 11:00pm when I went to bed, I could feel the gout leaving...
This morning I woke up and some of the swelling is still there but getting better, however no gout pain... There is pain related to the fact my foot is still swollen a bit but nothing like I've been tolerating.
I also went (as suggested in an earlier post) to GNC and bought taut cherry juice that I will take proactively to avoid future attacks..
I never thought myself as a baby to pain but OMG Gout is crazy painful - I hope this helps you out - the random clinic dr is my new hero and the best news, Colchicine is not a NSAID so it's safe to take with out the antacids.
Visualize the person you want to be every chance you get - and you can become it!
Century Club Member at 6 months, working on my next 50 years!