Protien bars!????
So, I've heard quest bars wntioned on here before.... was near gnc popped in and checked them out.... 20+g of carbs????? Now I'm confused. I've read on here peoplw eating Protien bars. But those from what I've been taught are terrible stats... am I missing something??
Please help or offer other brand suggestions? I'm looking for something I can keep in my purse and nibble on when needed.. if I'm out to long or need needs quick Protien pick me up at work.
I calculate my carbs using net carbs, which is subtracting the fibre from the carbs in an item. My centre advised that I do this, your centre might say differently. For example, 20g carb - 14 fibre is 6g net carbs, which is pretty good considering 21g protein. Some people do not do net carbs, in which case yes this would be higher than what might be ideal for you. Compared to most other bars quest has good stats, that's why it is so popular. Another good one is simply protein bars, my centre recommended these at my post op nut meeting. I find it very helpful to keep one in my bag in case of emergency. I have heard that some people find the bars trigger cravings so do not use them, I have not found this to be the case for me. Often if I have one I will eat 1/2 a bar at a time as well, so at 3 net carbs and 10+ protein I think that is not bad for a snack imho. Of course check with your centre if you are not sure. Nearly all protein bars have far worse stats than quest and are basically like eating a chocolate bar in terms of sugar and carbs but with some protein added and no fibre.
I'm with you Zizzler about calculating carbs. Earlier out I found the Quest bars to be a life saver - and usually have one in my purse to eat if I am out for long periods of time. I am not fussy on a lot of the flavors.... Mainly enjoy the peanut butter one, Apple pie and Cinamon something.
i really like the Simply Protein bars as well -- I pick them up at the Bulk Barn.
They have a new simply bar, it is mocha chocolate flavour, I really like it! Usually I buy the big pack at Costco because its cheaper that way, but then you only get 3 flavours. My favourite is probably lemon coconut or apple pie. Sometimes, if I am craving a cookie, I will put a chcocolate cookie dough or brownie one in the microwave for 30 seconds, really good. what I like about the simply bars is that they are very filling, often half of one fills me nicely for a snack, and they are good but not fantastic, so I do not feel the need to eat a lot of them. There are some bars, like the smart detour protein bars, that just make me want to eat them, so I guess maybe they are triggering cravings? I no longer buy the big packs of those because it was getting out of hand. lol
on 8/15/15 8:33 pm
I had post asking this not too long ago.......I've decided to stay away from them altogether!! Not worth it and I'm ok eating what I eat anyways. Simply protein has chips at Metro (15 g per small bag) and beef jerky/turkey jerky is surprisingly not bad at all. Greek yogurt rocks, cottage cheese and I also have an ounce of old cheddar for a snack.