What are you eating/doing today (Tuesday)
Nia, it takes quite a while for your body to truly get to it's "resting place" regarding both weight and the distribution/settling of said weight. My approach was to keep working my plan as usual - no additional foods/calories simply because I thought I might be at "goal" weight, just kept on doing what I'd always done. Your body will stop losing when it's good and ready to stop - unless you overfeed it. Your body shape will shift and sag and move and redistribute for quite some time until it settles, including on your face. This why I get concerned when I see people rushing as quickly as possible into plastic surgery - their bodies aren't even totally done losing yet, let alone overhauling itself a few times.
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
That's so true Karen, thanks for your insight as usual. I too noticed that my weight fluctuates a lot. Some times my fat seems fuller than usual and I just feel fat and sometimes feels like there's nothing there, lol. As for plastics, i too feel people rush in to see their new bodies and i'm sure to wait for at least another 6 months. At a yr out I thought i was done losing and then 3 months later I lost 20 lb. Guess I'll keep going till my body is ready.