I just want a real coffee
Coffee is a hot topic for me.
Going into Bariatric Surgery it was one of my main concerns leading after the surgery how many coffees would I be able to have, be allowed ever again? I was of the impression that one cup of coffee would be ok, however my Bariatric Team deadpanned me with looks as 'you don't understand how important this is that no coffee until six months, even then one small ulcer created could burn a hole and kill me'.
A little dramatic from the Bariatric Team? I don't know. Freaking scarey enough to make me ever second guessing adding extra acidity of caffeine to my stomach enzymes? Yes! So I am biding my time until October.
I have come to find that I get the psychological boost from a really good cup of Decaf coffee where it tastes very close to the real thing. Think McCafe Decaf and Tim Horton's Decaf.
Only skim milk and sweetner. Of course no sugar and fancy tasting creamers!
I stayed off caffeine for about 2 weeks after surgery. I'm a year out now, and I have about 2 cups a day. My centre is fine with that. Coffee is something that makes me feel "normal". It gives me comfort and tastes like heaven. hahaha, maybe I do have a problem!
And the other posters are right, feeling tired after surgery is nothing unusual. I found that getting outside for walks really helped me boost my energy level.
Feel better!
Coffee is never a good thing for us. But caffeine is an addiction and everywhere around us.
Doctors understand that forbidding it forever would be a battle impossible to win. So they advise moderation instead.
I have not had coffee since my surgery. I did start back on Diet Coke after three years and was very addicted. I finally quit that about a year ago and stay caffeine free now.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I am 3 months post op and I have one coffee espresso-based drink per day, with lots of milk for the protein (often a latte). I only have drip coffee on occasion as it's stronger and tougher on your stomach. I haven't had any issues and my centre says it's fine. I did wait for a month or so post-op while I was still healing before I had any.