Long overdue update
Wow, can't believe i haven't posted in years. I guess i got caught up in life and (shame on me) forgot about this site.
Just an update for any newbies. I go for my 5 year follow up next week. I will be officially finished the program with the Guelph clinic. I vowed to continue checking in because that's what they ask of you and they need the stats to continue.
Sadly 2 of my friends who had the surgery done, have totally and completelly failed at it. It's true they can fix your insides but they can't fix your head.
I think we have to figure out why we got fat in the first place and keep that in the forfront to stop falling into old way.... I'm not saying I was a perfect patient... no siree... I lost 126lbs the first year and slowly put on 10lbs each year. I know there is always a bounce back but i bounced my butt right back to 210. currently sitting at 190 and back in control.
thankfully the weight doesn't go back on as fast as it did before surgery, or at least I'm able to stop the madness before it gets out of hand. Last years weigh in was 199, so I'm happy i'm less than that.
Would I do it again, Absolutely. I feel so much better, don't have back issues anymore. Still have sleep apnea. but i can dress up like no bodys business and light up a room, I'm so confident.
Only one regret, can't handle the booze. One drink and I'm flying. That saddens me since I'm a social drinker, but I work on it and try to not let it get the better of me.
The vitamins are a constant companion and go with me everywhere, i rarely miss taking them. The water has become part of my life and always have some with me as well.
I have been known to sip wine with a meal, but i usually finish and wait 20 minutes.
the surgery works but you have to work the tool they give you to succeed. Life is so much better on the other side. Will i ever get to 160 again, I keep trying, that keeps me honest.
Nice to see some folks still on here after all this time. Hello to Karen
Thank you for the update. I'm still a newbie, and I take your advice seriously. Weighing daily and stopping a gain before it gets out of control will be a lifelong struggle. It's not just the tool, but also how we use it that matters.
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.
Hello to you too! So glad to see you checking in, been a looooong time, J!
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
on 6/20/15 12:04 am
What a good post. It's something I fear, eventually going back. Did your friends just never really follow the program or was it easier for them to just eat whatever's convenient? I'm not afraid to say it, I think about it, so i like to know other's experiences.
Good for you for getting to 190. I think i need the wisdom of the experiences on here to keep me in check, so will continue to use it. I'm in the honeymoon, just 4 months out. My greatest wish is for cravings to not come back b/c I could do this forever!!
Thanks for posting and good luck!!