Surgical Only Sites
I was reading today on the new Ontario Bariatric Program website about the Surgical Only Sites. I had never heard of this before. Apparently they " do not follow patients pre-operatively or post-operatively, but rather partner with select RATCs and BCoEs to provide bariatric surgery to a greater volume of patients. Patients receive pre-operative care at their respective RATC or BCoE site, but may be sent to one of the Surgical Only Sites to have their bariatric surgery. After surgery, patients return to their respective RATC or BCoE site for all post-operative care and follow-up."
Does anyone know anything about this? How we can find more information?
I'm currently with Humber and it looks like by the time I see Dr Glazer in Sept my surgery won't be till the spring/summer due to the hospital moving locations. I know this is a long process overall and I would be so happy for surgery in Jan/Feb. But I could be waiting till June or later from what I'm hearing.
Thanks so much..
Patients from HRRH were sent over to Toronto Western to have their surgery because HRRH was too backlogged. This will actually be happening again, this time patients from Kingston will be sent to TWH for their surgery for the same reason.

Ref. Apr 30/14, Orientation HRRH Aug 25/14, Transfer to TWH Oct 21/14, Sleep Study Nov 20/14, SW Nov 28/14, Nut. Class Dec 8/14, NP Dec 15/14, Psych. Jan 13/15, Nut. Jan 15/15, CPAP Titra Jan 16/15, NP F/U Jan 19/15, NP F/U2 Feb 24/15, NP F/U3 Mar 24/15, Surgeon May 29/15, Opti July 25/15, Pre-Op July 30/15, Surgery Aug 14/15
Hey :)
This has been around for a long(ish) while - folks from Windsor, Kingston, and a couple of other places that escape me at the moment, have all of their pre-op appointments done in their city with the bariatric centre there (but that centre doesn't do surgery) and then they are assigned to one of the bariatric centres that do surgery and have surgery there, and then do all follow-ups back at their area-centre.
Ontario Recipes Forum -
Thanks everyone :)
Hi Karen !!! I was hoping that since elective surgeries are going to be so backed up at Humber because of the move that maybe we could opt to have the surgery at this other place with f/u at Humber. Guess that isn't going to happen though.
Is the process hard or long to transfer to another hospital like TWH? I wouldn't even be considering this if I thought my surgery was in Jan/Feb. but I'm not very hopeful it will be at all.
I switched from HRRH to TWH! Switched in November, orientation beginning of Jan, all appointments done by the end of Feb. Had to follow up with the dietitian, plus go see a couple specialists, and now having surgery July 20. So it is worth the switch. All you have to do is contact Humber, ask them to transfer your file, they will, takes about 3 weeks. Message me if you want to know more info!!!!

1st Referal @ HRRH: Sept. 17, 2014; Orientation @ HRRH: Nov. 24, 2014; 2nd Referral @ TWH: Nov. 27, 2014; Orientation @ TWH: Jan. 7, 2015; SW: Jan. 22, 2015; Nutrition Class: Feb. 2, 2015; Sleep Test: Feb. 13, 2015; Psych: Feb. 18, 2015; Dietitian: Feb. 20, 2015; Nurse: Feb. 23, 2015; MTS: Dr. Todd Penner June 19, 2015; Surgery: Sleeve, July 20, Dr. Penner.

I thought the same exact thing until I call Dr. Starr's office.
Min waiting for my date. They are on vacation next week so I'll get my date when they get back.
Mo thought about switching too, but by the time we are through the hoops at TWH it'll be around the same time our surgery date is at HRH. :(. Whhyyyy does it take so long? Lol