food/drink question. .. "treats"
Do you guys ever let yourselves have like "treats" something that not be particularly healthy..... I'm thinking ahead. have have a trip planned for the end of June. I'll be a few days shy if 5 months post op. And I know I may want some unhealthy street fair food, I can likely resist that.
But what I'm really wanting to know for.... is fear squeezed made on the spot lemonade. I generally one get this once once a year and would love to be able to have a small one on our trip.
My only concern with the freshly squeezed lemonade would be what they're sweetening it with and thereby your sensitivity to sugar (since you have RNY). You'd sure hate to feel unwell (at the least) or have a full-out dumping syndrome incident (at the worst) while you're out and about on vacation.
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For myself I regularily schedule "treats" so that I can keep my consumption controlled. I realize this can be a dangerous practice but for me it is part of balanced living. I only have about a quarter of a serving and only a couple times a week. What I have learned is these treats are not so much of a "treat" anymore, when this is the case I just don't bother.
I''ve had a VSG so don't have dumping issues but I am surprised how many things are just not worth eating anymore, so you may be surprised that the beloved lemonade is not so loved anymore. Be prepared to toss most of it away, if this is the case. Most of all...have fun

I do have a little squeeze of stevia! that unsweetened suggestion may be an option! I only have it once a year and I'd love to have it.. probably save it for the end of the day or only have have sip or 2. Never thought of dumping, but so far I haven't really had that just just a lot of issues either vomiting for the first 2.5 months.
If you can get it without sugar go for it and add your own sweetener than fine but if not stay away from it. That stuff is usually very high in sugar. I stay away from all treats high in sugar. It is a very easy slop to go down thinking just a few bites or a very sips will not hurt me and next thing you know you are able to eat the whole thing or drink the whole thing. Weight does come back on I know. I run, swim in the gym you name it and watch what I eat and I done some gaining and we can not figure it out. I am just lucky that I don't do sugars or I would be in real trouble. Think of the future

I have had a few treats here and there. I keep the serving size as small as possible and I find that I don't get the same satisfaction from some things as I used to. I can't even eat an orange without getting gurgly from the sugar, so I don't think lemonade would work for me! Maybe jus****er it down a lot and keep the portion small.