Panni/tummy tuck
Who has had the panni with Dr Nanagopal? I want to have the panni but pay the difference for the tummy tuck as well. Can anyone give me estimated price of what you paid?
Referral Sent June 03 2013////Orientation @ TWH July 08 2013////Nurse Practitioner July 10 2013////Sleep Study July 20 2013////Social Worker July 23 2013////Nutrition Class August 20 2013////Dietitian August 13/21 2013////Psychologist August 13 2013////Sleep Study Results August 21 2013////Surgeon Appointment Sept 06 2013////SURGERY @TEGH October 2 2013

I saw him, had a quote for an upgrade but it included lipo of flanks and full mons repair.
It will depend on what he thinks he can do for you, but for me it was a quote of $6100.00 out of pocket.
Nice man, I have heard from others he is excellent and have seen his results. I didn't use him though, I opted for a local guy in Barrie.
You really will need to see him and hope you get approval from OHIP. I know three gals who have not been approved, one through him and two from another plastics in Toronto.
You have to try, and push for it!
Annette 👍
How much was your plastics threw Barrie?
Referral Sent June 03 2013////Orientation @ TWH July 08 2013////Nurse Practitioner July 10 2013////Sleep Study July 20 2013////Social Worker July 23 2013////Nutrition Class August 20 2013////Dietitian August 13/21 2013////Psychologist August 13 2013////Sleep Study Results August 21 2013////Surgeon Appointment Sept 06 2013////SURGERY @TEGH October 2 2013

Would it be to much trouble to email me the info for your suergon? That's a good price.
Referral Sent June 03 2013////Orientation @ TWH July 08 2013////Nurse Practitioner July 10 2013////Sleep Study July 20 2013////Social Worker July 23 2013////Nutrition Class August 20 2013////Dietitian August 13/21 2013////Psychologist August 13 2013////Sleep Study Results August 21 2013////Surgeon Appointment Sept 06 2013////SURGERY @TEGH October 2 2013

It was from the Community of Bariatric Patients of Southern Ontario. Here is the post:
I had a call from Dr. Nanda this morning. He asked me to share that he is in further discussions with the hospital and asked that people don't panic. he is looking to keep his prices as is, and if necessary he will operate from a different location. HE IS NOT RETIRING!"
Another reply:
Is this an issue with piggy backing non ohip procedures on top of covered ohip procedures. The hospitals are cracking down on this everywhere. Technically this is not allowed. They are supposed to be billed as two separate procedures so all staff are paid accordingly and the hospital gets all costs covered. With the health care funding cuts coming across the board it is only a matter of time before this is stopped everywhere.
oh, are Nanda and Nangopal the same? Regardless, it sounds like it's going to affect plastics.