So.. normally I walk my dog... but she's on strick movement limitations for a month. So, what are some easy exercises to do at home? Since I'm gone most of the day anyways I don't wanna leave her home alone for long walks... and don't wanna walk alone.. lol.
Looking for something somewhat easy for any home... I'm 3 months post op so nothing to insane. Any advice would be helpful. :)
Home gym set up, home obstacle course, personal trainer....
You mentioned about being gone all day, I'm assuming for work. If you get an hour lunch break, you could always spend part of that time going for a walk, see if you can get anyone to join you. If you want to work on muscles, you can search the internet for some ideas. I know I've seen somewhere, about using cans for doing weight lifting exercises. The hard part will be having the motivation to keep it up. I find it easier and more motivating if I do something with someone.
Definitely more motivated with someone.. or dog. Lol. She keeps me walking daily because it benefits her as well. hut now she's on doggy bed rest. Lol.
Lunch st work is only 30 min.... and most of that is spent trying to eat some little something. I've been told I lost my butt... so I wanna work on that lol.
I hope your dog is feeling better soon.
Try at-home walking workouts! Leslie Sansone has many DVDs. I'd also highly recommend Jessica Smith. Google her, she has a ton of free videos on YouTube as well as DVDs. I started out with workout out at home and recently quit the gym to focus on working out at home. I have added equipment as needed (some inexpensive resistance bands and a basic set of dumbbells is a great first step). I have a very sizeable DVD collection - there are DVD and online workouts for EVERY level!