Post Surgery Appointments
I am scheduled for surgery at TEGH on May 13 working with the program out of Toronto Western Hospital.
I received a letter earlier this week outlining the program after surgery. It goes as follows:
1 Month- Dietician, Nurse Pract. (Group 2+ hours)
3 Month- Dietician, Nurse Pract.
6 months- Dietician, Nurse Pract., Psychosocial Team Member/Social Worker
1 Year- Dietician, Nurse Pract., Psychosocial Team Member
18 Months- Social worker (Group 2 hours)
2-5 years- Dietician, Nurse Pract., Social Worker & Psychosocial Team Member.
Other appointments as required.
The letter had times and dates shown for all appointments up to and including 6 months. It's great to have everything spelled out and to have the appointments booked, and to see what sort of support is provided after surgery. Keeping the weight off is my big concern, and with this sort of support available, I feel much more confident that it can be done.
I hope they are better accommodating at your Centre then they are at Humber. I was there on Monday with my cousin for her trio appts and when she was done I told the dietician I've been struggling and you know what she told me.....NOTHING. She gave me zero suggestions or advice. I was very disappointed.
I also had it all written out for me...fingers crossed your team is much better.
Thank you Pat. I'm going away Monday for four days to the States but I will be calling the following week. I didn't call this week as I work 12 hour midnights shifts a week on week off so there wasn't any sense in calling this week and playing phone tag.
I wish her feeling rushed was the excuse...but there wasn't anyone else waiting on her. It was just us. I wanted to wait until my cousin got the go ahead before I even said anything as I didn't want her to think I may not be the best support when I'm struggling. I live over an hour from the hospital so getting there isn't always so easy as I don't drive.
Thanks again...I will be asking for someone else when I call. Hopefully they don't put me through to her lol. Have a great weekend!
Hi Keith...I think you've got a lot of company with your worries about regain. All of us have been on this awful roller coaster for a long time before we take the plunge into surgery and we've experienced regain and then some...probably a number of times. Keeping the weight off was also a big worry for me. Since the surgery the weight loss has been going better than i imagined it would (not 'easy' at times) and I just want to keep the momentum going to reach goal. I think keeping connected to the others on this site and local support groups will help us remain diligent but the other big thing I often see is people asking for help when they need it. I think it will be key to recognize when things are starting to slide and then act whatever you need to do to stop it. Someone else commented a while back...her best advice was to not let regain go beyond 5 pounds without taking action. I've kept that in the back of my mind as my plan...when I've reached goal. All the best with your surgery and weight loss! Kim