Got booked for info session already!!
I went and seen my doctor March 2nd. Then called his office on March 9th to see if he put the referral through which he did not so his nurse practitioner filled out the paper with me over the phone and faxed it out. So I call St.Joes 2 days ago (April 7th) just to find out if my referral was received so the lady returned my call this morning (April 9th) but I missed it so I called them back and left another message. Another lady called me about an hour after I left the message and gave me a direct number for the intake lady??. So the intake lady called me back and said I already had a date booked!! For something I thought I would be waiting at least 3-4 months for she told me my info session was booked for APRIL 27TH. ... I'm so excited to get this process started and nervous at the same time. Did not expect it to be this fast.
Is this normal?
I am not sure if it is normal but compared to me, you have definitely had a speedy time getting your appointment for the orientation session. YAY! I was referred in November 2013 (my Centre is Toronto Western Hospital) and I still hadn't heard anything by March of 2014, so at that time I called Toronto Western Hospital and they advised that they didn't get my referral it "fell through the cracks" so my doctor re-referred me, I called in April of 2014 to follow up and I got an appointment in late May 2014. I just had my surgery this past February 2015.
Good luck and let us know how it goes for you at your orientation!
The worst part of waiting is... well... the wait, LOL. I would take this time to get any extra stuff done that could slow down your progress. Sleep test, blood tests, stop smoking if you do... cut back on caffeine, etc. Best of luck!
Referral - Feb 25th, 2014. Info Session - April 7th
Surgeon#1 - May 15th Dr. Glazer - July 23rd, Dietitian/Social Worker/RN - Aug 1st, Surgeon #2 - Sept 10th, Surgery - Dec 16th, 2014!
Hi. Congratulations on beginning this journey.
Are you talking about St Joe's in Hamilton? Getting the orientation date is the only quick process. Everything afterwards seems to take forever because they are so busy. I was told by the clerk that people from last Junes orientation are just starting to get their first appointments scheduled. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but just sharing my experience so far. Hopefully they'll get caught up and you won't have to wait 6-8 months for your first appointment after your orientation.. I am so ready to do this. I had my orientation in November. Waiting for appointments is the worse!
I'm so happy for you that things are moving along very quickly, my referral was sent March 14th and I'm trying to get a hold of St Joes registry department just to see if they received my referral because if they didn't I can have the doctor resend it again, but there's a automated answering service stating the changes they have made in regards to how to send in referral's as of April 1st, and right after it disconnects without giving me any other options in order to speak to someone about that.
the number that I dialed is 905-522-1155 ext 35346 is this the number you dialed?
That's the number I used ( ext 33240). It's hard to get a live person right away. Even leaving a message usually they get back to you within 2 business days.I missed the first returned phone call after the first message I left 2 days before and then had to leave a message again when I called them back. That return phone call I waited maybe an hour.