Barrie WLS Group Meeting Reminder-Saturday
It's not really structured. There isn't a predetermined topic. Usually about 10-15 people. We take turns sharing where we are in our journey. Ask questions and share experiences. It's run by a volunteer so advice is experience based rather than clinical opinions. A bit more formal than our coffee group but still warm and welcoming. If you are shy no worries, you can just observe and take in the conversation. Please join us if you would like. It is a great group of people with lots of support to offer.
Feel free to PM me any time.
Well in keeping with getting out of my comfort zone. I'm really not comfortable in large groups and have difficulty talking to people. I also know this is one of the things I need to conquer. It would be a positive change for me so I was hoping you would say somewhat informal. I'm not sure if I will be free to get there but I know I should try. Surgery is in April!!!