Eleven days....
It has been an up and down week and a bit, but things are going pretty well. Am down 19 pounds, got the okay to have a bath (awesome), am up to half an hour on treadmill, and actually went to the mall today. I am tired at times, nauseous at times, but also better able to get around, not submerged in a sugar coma and more even tempered. Overall, things are going well. See surgeon on the 9th regarding severe GERD symptoms that are still present, but saw my family doctor today and was told this will get better as I lose weight. Overall feeling hopeful and proud.
Thanks Patm. I am still on the post surgery medication used to prevent ulcers and the like, and got the go ahead from my doctor to take ranitidine when necessary. Thanks for the good wishes. Cant complain to much about it, what I have gained from the experience far outweighs the residuals of my prior life.