Hospital stay
They do actually put men and women together, though I think they make an effort to avoid it. Sometimes it can't be avoided.
My last stay in the hospital (Otawa Civic) for an internal hernia, I was in a semi-private and my roomate was a man. Overall, it was fine. That's what the curtains are for...didn't feel that my privacy was really an issue.
When I just went in December for knee replacement in Ottawa, I was in ward room and was two other men. I kept the curtain closed most of time but was hard as washroom was right beside my bed. Times I had curtain open, well let's just say guy across from me was not too shy. Lol I was glad was only there for two days.
I was at St Joes Hamilton in a semi private. I think that May be all they have there After surgery I really would not have cared who was there. Slept a lot first two days. I was in mon-fri. On Thursday they asked if I would mind if a male was put in the room and I said we are all here because we need to be so it didn't matter. Wish I had of got that male. Instead I got a young foul mouthed girl who sweated at the nurses wanted to know if I wanted to go do drugs and had her boyfriend in bed with her till 11 pm. That was a nightmare. In the morning I was packed and sitting waiting for someone to get me out of there