Stomach scope
Hi eeyore I had this too - an endoscopy on November 27th at TWH, and my surgery was just scheduled for February 4th so no delays at all for me. Biopsy result came a few weeks later and showed nothing remarkable.
I was prescribed Tecta for 30 days to clear it up.
The reason they did an endoscopy for me - the nurse practitioner requested it - as I have had an ulcer in the past.
Hope this helps!
Hi again eeyore,
The doctor said to me after the scope "you have evidence of GERD" and to take the Tecta. All he said after that was because of the GERD, I would not be a good candidate for the VSG and that Roux-en-Y would be the recommended surgery, which they were going to do anyway as I had no other complications barring me from Roux-en-Y. I know it's easy for me to say, but try not to worry. If you are really worried maybe you could give your Centre a call and ask a nurse practitioner? What Centre are you at? I am at TWH.