Opti has its upsides...
I think all of us find the unknown scary -- and i certainly had a reaction to starting Opti. And I had my own little 2-day pity party while I choked down my first few shakes, so don't feel badly if you feel like the initial days are awful. It truly does get better. As I was walking home from work tonight, I felt amazing. Better than I have in a long, long, time. I had lots of energy, my mind felt clear and I didn't feel hungry. Even the optis tasted better today. Not that this whole shake thing isn't going to get old by the time Day 21 rolls around, but there are really some good things about being on Opti. I had coworkers eating timbits in front of me and I didn't even feel a quiver of interest in eating. It was amazing, it was like some body snatcher had replaced the old sugar-crazy me with a totally new person. I know this is the ketosis talking, but it was a pretty neat experience. More good things are to come!
I love it! You're so upbeat.
I've heard of how sugar can affect your body so I guess I'll get to see first hand when you go cold turkey off of it. I hope I can be that crazy ketosis person talking in two weeks too!
Thanks for the encouragement. I'll know where to go if I have a pity party. I'm inviting you! =)