Stall when starting Real Food?

(deactivated member)
on 12/3/14 7:43 am, edited 12/3/14 7:55 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Has this happened to anyone? I did search for it, but couldn't find much other than the notorious three week stall' conversations... But I am six weeks out, and have been stalled since starting soft foods. I am up and lb, down a lb, up a lb... 


I remember hearing the first six months is the best losing period, and I just want to make sure I am maximizing that. I eat all my protein first, and try my best to get in that requirement every day.


I am looking over my diet, and assuming this isn't a stall, but instead something I am doing to cause this, but I can't think of much. I do drink a lot of milk, 1%, but was told this is good...I do eat a few crackers everyday with my tuna, or egg salad, maybe carbs, even the low fat, barely any calorie ones I am choosing, are causing this... I don't know. I just really didn't want to cut out any food groups. I really wanted this to be a sustainable lifestyle change. I want to still enjoy food I eat, just in a healthier way.. Maybe I am not getting enough calories in. I seem to average about 500-600 max a day... At the one month follow up, the NUT said this was about what someone should be consuming at one month out.


OH and also, I only have one bowel movement every 3-4 days. Is this normal? I don't feel backed up, but maybe I am... I have been taking the stool softener and also the senokot (laxitive) they recommended once every few days, which I really don't think helps... Maybe the milk isn't helping with this either. I don't know.


And yes, I know, stalls happen, and I am looking at the overall big picture, but I really just hope I am not causing it... I've only lost 2 lbs since November 19th... As time keeps ticking on, my mind is starting to play tricks on me!Suggestions?  Other than, chill the frig out, because, trust me, I am trying... Its just one of those days.

on 12/3/14 8:21 am - Oshawa, Canada

Hi there, looks like you've lost 42lbs in 2 months? Wow that's great. You're body is just trying to adjust to the big change before you continue on your journey. If you want to shake things up try eating a few more calories! Get that "furnace " going again. And stress does not help! So maybe go a few days without weighing yourself. Easier said than done I know! Good luck 

HRRH -Orientation Nov  25, Dr. Sohi Jan 17, RN,SW,Dietician Feb 19, Dr Glazer Mar 5, Dr Sohi March 12. Surgery May 28th



(deactivated member)
on 12/4/14 7:32 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Thanks! I actually did eat a few more calories yesterday, and this morning, the scale went down two lbs. 'm not saying its directly related, but maybe my body did need a switch up! And I only weigh myself once a week, sometimes two... I try to not obsess over it! Thanks again for the encouragement xo

on 12/3/14 9:49 am

Sounds like you are doing all the right things.  How is your water intake - maybe double check you are meeting your centre's guidelines regarding water.  I also stalled for 3 weeks twice since surgery, even gained 6 pounds at one point.  I was having constipation so my centre told me to take restoralax, which I take once a day or once every second day and it really works.  Maybe you could ask you centre if that would be an option for you.  I am not going to tell you to chill out but I would suggest you only weigh yourself at the most once a week and pay attention to how your clothes fit. Sometimes you are losing inches but it does not yet show on the scale.  42 pounds in 2 months is a lot, I have only lost 45 in 3.5 months, so maybe your body is just readjusting after some major change?

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/14 7:34 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

My water intake could be better. I cannot handle plain water, and I hate the flavour drops / and crystal light. I find the taste just terrible of that artificial flavoured stuff. I get most of my fluids from diluted juice, V8, milk, tea, etc.

And thank you for the restoralax suggestion, I definitely will try this. The one I am using isn't working too well. 


Thanks! xo

on 12/4/14 8:41 am

No problem, hope they help.  have you tried a water infuser?  They are really popular now and allow you to flavour your water naturally.  Google it and you will see lots of neat combos.

on 12/3/14 8:44 pm - Ottawa, Canada
VSG on 02/03/14

The first 6-18 months is the honeymoon period, to be sure. But I think you're doing fine with the weight loss you have had.

I realized early out that I am a "stair-stepping" loser. I will plateau for weeks (on the scale; but measurements change a LOT during this time!) and then I'll suddenly drop 5-7 lbs within a day or two. Then plateau for a couple of weeks, and then drop. Rinse, repeat.

I've done this all along. My loss has been significant over the long-term but sometimes it's hard to realize that when I focus on the scale from day to day. My advice is don't let the scale numbers get to you if you truly KNOW you are doing the right thing and following your plan. If you are eating protein forward, getting in all your water and vitamins, staying in the 500-700 cal range (for a month or two out, that's perfect!) and watching the carbs, then you're going to lose weight. It's a no brainer. You have to just trust the process.

As for the BMs, at 10 months out I only have one every few days as well. I use Miralax a couple of times a week, along with a stool softener. Sometimes I feel a >little< backed up but the Miralax takes care of that whenever I have that sensation.

Listen to your own advice. "Chill the frig out." Honestly. It really does work this way and when I accepted my "stair-step losing" pattern, I was a much more relaxed patient! Ha... a more patient patient in fact!!!

Keep at it Jen. You're doing GREAT!

OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/14 7:36 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I think I am going to be a stair stepper too' I seem to not drop anything for days, then bam, five lbs down overnight. I know it will all work out, I was just hoping I wasn't doing anything wrong! Thank you for the encourging words xoxo and congrats to you on your weight loss so far!

on 12/4/14 6:38 am - Owen Sound, Canada

I can totally relate. I had my surgery on November 10/14 and I have only lost 13 pounds so far. I was able to eat soft solid food fairly early and not much of what I do eat bothers me. My family thinks I must be doing something wrong and I just don't know what I'm doing. Today I ate 1 cup salad with an egg and beef strips on it, I had 2 tbsp of pumpkin seeds, 2 tbsp of pumpkin granola, and 2 tbsp of peanuts for afternoon snack, and for supper I made a stir fry using ground chicken, cabbage, peppers, mushroom, celery, and opinions. Which I will have 1/4 of a cup. I have consumed 48 oz of water so far, and drinking a glass of v8 right now. I'm I eating too much?. Please, any suggestions or guidance would be much appreciated.

Karen M.
on 12/4/14 6:55 am - Mississauga, Canada

While you have not listed everything you're eating in a day, my opinion of what you've listed? Yes. You are eating too much. 1 cup of salad, an egg and beef strips - at less than one month post-op? Please review the plan your centre gave you with respect to types of food you're eating (no way salad is on that list - you should be on softs around now) and the amounts of food you are eating.



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