Kinda sucks...

(deactivated member)
on 12/3/14 8:00 am, edited 12/3/14 8:04 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

How most people seem to disappear from the forum a few months post op. I know, I get it, life is changing, and they are not sitting home, likely out enjoying life more. People are busy, I am too, I do get it.

I just know, for me, I really loved hearing the updates, and seeing the successes. You chat with some prior to surgery, then they kinda drift away from the site, and you wonder, how the heck they are doing!

I guess most use the site to gather information prior to surgery, and only a few stick around after.To those few, thank you! 

on 12/3/14 8:55 am - Canada

Some of us are still here almost daily, but just don't have anything new to say or add but we are here if needed. When I say us I mean me I don't know if there's anyone else. lol

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/14 7:53 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Lol,  I am sure there are others! 

on 12/7/14 7:07 am - Newmarket, Canada

I am also here almost daily.. I read to catch up and post sometimes when I have a little bit of time. I don't really get online a whole lot from my computer because I am sooooooo busy with running my new business (Only been open for 6months) and have been working a crazy amount of hrs and sometimes late and I just want to crawl into bed and sleep. 

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 12/3/14 9:40 am

Most of the people who were on this site over a year ago when I started this journey no longer post at all, so I hear what you are saying.  Maybe they are reading and not posting, maybe not, no way to know.  All I know is that the long-timers on this forum (you know who you are) who help newbies are such a blessing, and I truly appreciate them answering my numerous questions and taking the time explain how things work.  You are amazing people!

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/14 7:54 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I agree, I received so much help pre and now post op from those who choose to stay on the forum. Very grateful! 

on 12/3/14 9:57 am, edited 12/3/14 9:57 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

I can't really say for me yet as I've not had my surgery , but I can say that since the beginning of April , I have logged on here almost every day , some days on and off all day long !! And I feel like that won't change . I like to see the successes and look at the pix and so on , all the while putting myself in that ( at this point ..fantasy) position . But do also find the information invaluable . It is my GO TO for anything to do with this surgery , and seeing as how my life will always be attached to this surgery in some way , I don't see me losing or giving up this as my information source . And also , and probably most importantly , I love all the lovely people !!!  I feel connected to you all in a weird way , and not just because we are all in the same boat . It's bizarre how you can feel you know people online !!! But i kinda do ! I have made some great pals , and hope to keep them, yourself included doll :) And Im glad and lucky that I found my wee surgery buddy too , Seyenna( Chrystal) whom I have met ' in real life '! and have forged a great friendship .She is so awesome and I consider myself lucky to have her with me . 

Anyway , Im glad you will stay cos I'm pretty sure I will too , and it means I get to chat with your lovely self all the time !! Lol 

P.s .....I'm a tad emotional today ,can you tell ?  It may be the Opti roller coaster ....but my boy had a bad day at school and I've not had the best day either , so my wee heart is feeling a touch fragile tonight ! But tomorow will be better , and I already feel better having come on here and spilled my guts to you guys !! Haha ....

OK I'll shut up now ! lol 

Jax xx


on 12/3/14 11:12 am

I feel the same way about this forum, it is such a awesome source of information.   I am also emotional tonight, just finished watching "a dog named Christmas", cried like a baby after.  Especially moving as I am not sure how much longer I have with my older dog, she is almost 15 years old.  Anyhow, just wanted to let you know you are not the only one who is emotional.  I was emotional on opti too, especially at the beginning.  Hang in there, keep you eyes on the prize and most of all be gentle with yourself, be your own bff.  It is is easy to forget to be good to yourself when times are tough, yet that is when we need it most.  Hope you do stick around, I really enjoy your posts.

on 12/3/14 11:37 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey Zizzler , 

Thank you for that :) and I'm sorry you're feeling the same ! And I can understand , I miss my pup terribly ! She was 17 when we had to let her go . But she was diabetic at the end . She could have probably lasted another couple years if she wasn't sick . So you never know , you may have lots of time left together 

And yeah, I have noticed a change in my moods this last week , I'm normally such an even tempered person ! Anything is setting me off !  But I'm doing good for the most part and time is flying !! So I'm not complaining . 

Thanks for your nice words of encouragement ,you have confirmed one of my reasons above , why I love this forum 


on 12/3/14 2:01 pm


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