This RNY, its a funny thing...

(deactivated member)
on 11/27/14 10:27 am, edited 11/27/14 10:31 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Lose 10lbs in a week, lose nothing the next two weeks, lost 7lbs the following week, then again stalling and stalling for ten more days. This has been my experience so far. Every single week is different, and nothing is steady. With no majour diet changes. Luckily I am not stressing, of course it can mess with your mind in the beginning, but I am looking at the overall picture. But pre ops, be prepared, for stalls. Of course everyones experience is different, but just in case they happen to you, know you are not alone.

I'm just going to have faith, and keep trucking on! The weight will come off, when shes ready to!

The good thing for me is, I have yet to get sick, and or not be able to tolerate any food I have tried. Had my first chicken breast this week, and even nibbled on a turkey pepperette, all protein packed, and taste yum. And the lactose intolerance thing hasn't happened to me either. I drink a big glass of milk every morning! That was my biggest fear, getting sick all the time, and being unable to tolerate food. I am glad I have been very lucky in this route.

Hope everyone is enjoying the snowy weather! Christmas tree goes up this weekend 

On a funny note, I guess I said something sassy to my co worker / close friend, and his reply was "Oh snap, look at you girl, lose a bunch of weight, and out comes the attitude" LOL   

on 11/27/14 10:41 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

I'm so glad everything is proceeding so well for you with introducing new foods!  I'm hoping I'm as lucky.  Thanks for sharing your experiences! 


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


(deactivated member)
on 11/27/14 10:44 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Thanks! I'm always afraid trying something new, but so far, so good! Mind you, now being on real foods, HOLY, the amount you can eat before feeling done, is SOOOOO tiny. Its just crazy what fills me up now. I mean, you hear the stories, and read it all prior to surgery, but when it is happening to you, its different.


Hope all is well with you! Seems you are busy stocking up and getting prepared for your new you, in the new year 

on 11/27/14 10:52 am - Canada
RNY on 01/05/15

Yes, still buying stuff, but now just the weird things like Gas-X strips, fibre, etc... I laugh at myself sometimes.  Seriously, would you have ever thought you'd find yourself in the drugstore looking at a shelf of laxatives wondering if you should preemptively buy stool softener just in case you might need it?  If someone told me that a year ago I would have thought they were nuts!  Chances are I'm going to end up with a bunch of stuff I don't need, but it does make me feel better that I've tried to cover all the bases. 


 ~ Per aspera ad astra ☆彡 


(deactivated member)
on 11/27/14 10:58 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Hahahaha, you're going to have more than enough crazy lady! I still have cans of broth, and gas x strips, chewables I never took because I was able to handle pills, jello galore, popsicles, list goes on and on, you get the gist! I went a bit crazy too. 

Karen M.
on 11/27/14 8:09 pm - Mississauga, Canada

My philosophy is that it is better to be prepared for what may come instead of reacting in response to an issue. Even better if it gives you some peace of mind. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum -

(deactivated member)
on 11/28/14 4:20 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

I agree! I'll admit, I hoped it would be this perfect steady weekly weight loss, who wouldn't want that! But I am in this for the rest of my life, so no need to be impatient about it.

I love that too! 'Lose the weight, gain the attitude LOL, and yep, I guess i do have a little extra bounce in my step 



Karen M.
on 11/27/14 8:11 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Lose weight and gain attitude - LOVE it!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 11/27/14 11:00 pm - Oakville, Canada

Greetings One and All

My diet remains the same ..... Boost, Protein Powder, Broth, Protein Powder, Boost, Protein Powder, etc.. etc. !!  ...... do I sound as though I am in a bit of a rut !!!

Mind you, something really, really wonderful happened to me yesterday. ..... in the morning I put on a skirt that I do not wear very often cause it is more than a little too tight ..... when I had it on, I noticed that I had back to front .... and just grabbed it by the waist band and spun it around .... it was not until after I had completed this action that I realized what I had done .... I would not have been able to move it AT ALL before !!!   ..... and when I was taking it off last night, just for a hoot, I tried to take it off over my hips ..... you can well imagion how excited I was when it went down over my hips with only a little wiggling !!!! ...... this is WORKING already !!!

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