Opti Day 1 !

on 11/26/14 12:31 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Good idea on the fibre ! Thanks , and I totally hear you on the party thing ! I have thanksgiving at my Mother in laws this weekend( my sis in law is coming up from the states ) ...and I really am trying to gear myself up for it . I know I'll be fine about the food , not saying it won't be hard ...but ill be fine ....my biggest thing is dealing with my Mother in laws questions as I have only just decided to tell her . Sis in law is ok but mother in law ...not so much ! she is 85 , and from the Phillipines ( not that I'm saying anything about that ) but she is very ' black and white ' in her thinking and explaining things to her can be a real challenge . And I just know she won't understand this . She will continuously try and make me eat ( even tho she will have been told I can't ) and she will go on and on about it all day !! Very challenging woman !! But , I will get through it and all will be good ! 

Well done you on making it throught your boys party ! Havery you dropped any weight on Opti so far ? I haven't decided whether I'll weigh myself during this or wait till the end ! 

Anyway , keep up the good work dear :) We are almost there xx 

Jax x


on 11/26/14 12:55 am - Canada

I get the mother-in-law deal, except for me it was the entire -in-law family aside from the mother-in-law lol.  I simply just said I am on a medical liquid diet that my doctor has put me on and for the most part that was the end of it.  I found it was also helpful to keep busy, I was always playing good host and getting drinks and coffee for people, cleaning up as we went along, I even organized and served most of the food and then right back to clearing things and putting them away, kept my mind off of food in a weird way, I was too busy to worry about the food. 

As far as weight goes, I am sure I have lost, I was on a steady 2000 cal prior to this and even that was in a deficit for me, now at 900 cal, i'm sure more has come off.  I however really do not pay attention to weight, I don't really have a goal weight and I could really care less about the scale.  For me my success will not be determined by the number on the scale, more so on how I feel and how I live. For work I research BMI and obesity, BMI is a terrible indicator of individual health, its more for understanding population risk, so I tend not to weigh myself very often at all, and post-op I don't plan to start aside from what the doctor wants. Some people are really motivated by the scale, and that's great if it works, its not for me.

keep me posted on how it all goes. I have a series of appointments on Friday to prep for the surgery on the 5th so its really moving fast for me and I am just trying to organize life before it goes down.  

on 11/26/14 12:55 am - Canada

I get the mother-in-law deal, except for me it was the entire -in-law family aside from the mother-in-law lol.  I simply just said I am on a medical liquid diet that my doctor has put me on and for the most part that was the end of it.  I found it was also helpful to keep busy, I was always playing good host and getting drinks and coffee for people, cleaning up as we went along, I even organized and served most of the food and then right back to clearing things and putting them away, kept my mind off of food in a weird way, I was too busy to worry about the food. 

As far as weight goes, I am sure I have lost, I was on a steady 2000 cal prior to this and even that was in a deficit for me, now at 900 cal, i'm sure more has come off.  I however really do not pay attention to weight, I don't really have a goal weight and I could really care less about the scale.  For me my success will not be determined by the number on the scale, more so on how I feel and how I live. For work I research BMI and obesity, BMI is a terrible indicator of individual health, its more for understanding population risk, so I tend not to weigh myself very often at all, and post-op I don't plan to start aside from what the doctor wants. Some people are really motivated by the scale, and that's great if it works, its not for me.

keep me posted on how it all goes. I have a series of appointments on Friday to prep for the surgery on the 5th so its really moving fast for me and I am just trying to organize life before it goes down.  

on 11/26/14 12:01 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Now that's the way to start! You got this! 

Annette 👍

Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 11/26/14 12:36 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thanks Annette ! Almost half of day 2 now ! lol ....

Congratulations on your plastics !! how are you feeling ? Better every day I bet ! Must be such a nice feeling seeing your new body ! I may be looking you up in a few years for your surgeons info !! I see you're just up the road in Barrie ( im in Innisfil ) .

Hope to see some pix soon x 

Jax x 


on 11/26/14 12:39 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

2 down 18 to go! You will do amazing! 

Yes each day is better for sure, can't wait to see the whole thing Friday when the bandages come off. They took one drain out today's ohhh feels good, one to go! 

Pictures, yeah I need to post those 😁

Keep my info, love to keep in touch, your journey will be incredible! 


Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


(deactivated member)
on 11/26/14 1:07 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

YAY!!! Jaxie, you are going to do so well, I just know it! Mmmm Optifast, I started not minding it towards the end, I only mixed mine with black decaf or regular coffee. Anyway, you are so close now! I'm here cheering you on by the sidelines!



on 11/26/14 5:55 am, edited 11/26/14 5:55 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Thanks Jennifer !! I've not mixed the Opti yet , I'm just kind of liking it the way it is with the ice , but I will try a few different things before the week is out I'm sure ! 

How are you doing ? Everything going good so far ?? Hope so my dear , I'm looking forward to the next set of pix :) 

Keep me posted Missus ! And thanks for the support , it means a lot lovey 

Jax x


(deactivated member)
on 11/26/14 9:15 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Everything is going great :) I made a rule to only weigh myself every ten days, and when I get to 50lbs lost, I will take my first updated pics! 

Glad you are enjoying that opti! I wasn't lol, but I did get used to it for sure. 

on 11/26/14 5:01 am

Woohooo!!! congratulations !!! you're doing fantastic!! Opti is challenging and rewarding at the same time, I really felt I'd accomplished something and felt it helped me prepare for my new life after, except I wasn't so positive! You inspire me and I am so excited for you! You make my heart happy girl!!!

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