What are you doing/eating today (Saturday)

on 11/21/14 6:27 pm

RNY 5 Years 7 Months Post Op


Golfing this morning - out to an "oldies" dance this evening. 

STEPS - 6900


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

      1 cup of scrambled eggbeaters


L - 4 oz grilled chicken breast

    1/2 cup of grilled veggies


S - Dannon light and fit greek yogurt with 1 TB of granola


D - 4.5 oz BBQ beef brisket

     1 cup of salad

     few bites of veggies

     1 glass of merlot


S - Dannon light and fit Greek yogurt with 1 TB of granola


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,253,  Carbs - 37 Grams,  Fat - 44 Grams,  Protein - 115 Grams


All water and vits

Have a great one  






on 11/21/14 8:45 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning Barb. Oldies dance sounds like fun. Enjoy

Off shortly for a short walk with the dog. I have promised to go to a meeting at our church today. I hope I do not regret it. It is about how we can reach out to help the wider community. Last nights wasn't too inspiring. I will take my own lunch since I already know they are having lasagna. If the salad looks interesting I may have some of that. Then home t take the dog for a longer walk.

b yogurt, granola, blueberries

l ham/pea soup, yogurt

s simply bar

d steak, salad, broccoli

s baby bel

cal 961, carb 81.6, prot 82.2





on 11/21/14 10:59 pm

Good morning everyone.  Barb once again your protein numbers are impressive.  Have fun at the oldies dance. Pat I hope that the church community gathering turns out to be more inspiring.

Today I will spent some time at the gym (I am on day 9 of a 10 day trial)  Then it's lots of chores and a quiet night in by the fire.  I will try to plough through the leftovers from last night's dinner.

4 months post op

B. Lots of decaf with pumpkin spice creamer before the gym, then a pumpkin protein shake at the gym

S. More decaf on the way home

L. BBQ chicken, cheesy grits, BBQ baked beans

S. Fit and Light Greek Yogurt

D. The same as lunch

S. Fit Frappe protein hot chocolate by the fire.

Have a great day everyone

on 11/22/14 1:56 am - Oakville, Canada

10 days, 10 hours and 8 minutes pre-op !!


Guess what ..... I am having Bounce, Protein Powder, Beef Brooth, Chicken Brooth , Water, Water and Water today !!

Actually, I am rather enjoying this ..... NO DISHES OR CLEANING UP AFTER .... I could get used to this !!!

Catch up with you all later


Karen M.
on 11/22/14 2:34 am - Mississauga, Canada
On November 22, 2014 at 9:56 AM Pacific Time, ArleneAnne wrote:

10 days, 10 hours and 8 minutes pre-op !!


Guess what ..... I am having Bounce, Protein Powder, Beef Brooth, Chicken Brooth , Water, Water and Water today !!

Actually, I am rather enjoying this ..... NO DISHES OR CLEANING UP AFTER .... I could get used to this !!!

Catch up with you all later


You might wanna rethink the Bounce - not sure on the protein count on that one. You would have rather clean smelling breath though.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/23/14 10:09 pm - Oakville, Canada

Karen .... thank you so VERY much for your concern .... it is soooo much appreciated ....Yes,  the Hospital did tell me about Boost not having enough protein, so they recommended a protein powder to be taken with it ! ..... I was really REALLY lucky because my daughter has a protein shake every morning for breakfast and had just bought on sale the actual one that the hospital recommended ..... and like the good daughter that she is .... she GAVE it to me !!! ..... I do fear what it might cost once I have to buy it for myself !!!!   ..... and you are right, I am sure .... my Breath likely does smell just fine .... the taste of the Boost is really quite good, and the Protein Powder truly is flavourless, so I am doing not too badly !

Karen M.
on 11/23/14 10:42 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Arlene, I'm not in any way concerned with what your centre has told you to do. I was being a smart ass about your typo - calling Boost "BOUNCE" (as in the dryer sheets).



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 11/24/14 10:19 pm - Oakville, Canada

ROFLOL  !!!!!!!!   ..... I did not notice that !!!!! ...... at the last Burlington Support group, I told everyone that I was going on "Bounce" .....  for some reason, that has stuck in my mind ever since !! .... and lets face it .... given my girth ..... being able to bounce around like a red beach ball is rather a good way to describe me !!!!!! 

on 11/22/14 2:18 am

My eyes popped open at my regular workday wakeup time and I could not fall back asleep.  Rotten internal alarm clock. Lots of cleaning to do today, also going to gym later on for a full workout with cardio and weights.  I just started using the abdominal machine this past week, but am doing it without and weight on it for now, to see how my abs respond.  Going to go very gradually with that.  I was told I could start but if there was any pain to wait longer, no pain so far but being cautious, plus I hate ab work, there is not denying it. lol.  Lazy morning just lounging around with my dogs and drinking tea.  Plan to do some cleaning today, I always know I need to do a thorough clean when I start to not be able to find stuff. I really can't stand not being able to find stuff when I need it.  Urggh, drives me nuts.  Made a 30-second microwave protein cookie.  Turned out too dry, will microwave for half the time next time. I used to make these all the time pre-op - they are very filling and customizable, lots of protein. Plan to make my own lip balm today using organic coconut oil and vitamin e, sf loran oil.  Also plan on a long hot bath later on.

14 weeks post op

b - premier protein powder

s - leftover frozen turkey cabbage casserole

l - cranberry cherry sf greek yogurt, handful of almonds

s - protein cookie, decaf orange pekoe tea, milk, suralose

d - leftover salibury steak with a few yellow wax beans

s - grok grana padano cheese chips

all vits and water

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

Karen M.
on 11/22/14 2:58 am - Mississauga, Canada

Afternoon all,

Just had this post complete, inadvertently pressed a (some unknown stoopid) button and lost it. Grrr.. Internet was down most of yesterday, glad to be back online. I am now sporting an addiction to Candy Crush, Cookie Jam, and as if that wasn't bad enough, Candy Crush Soda Bull****  Enjoyed brunch this morning, going out for (supposed to be) dinner with a friend this evening, I suspect we may also be going to the symphony due to evasive hinting-around. Lovely.

8.5 years post-op

-coffee with cream x 3-

Brunch - 1 egg, 1 strip bacon, small piece of steak, half slice of toast

S - Premier protein shake, later: 2 oz old cheddar, 4 crackers, a few grapes

D - protein and veg of some description - not sure where we are going!

Have a splendid Saturday,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

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